Bottom leaves with tiny rust spots, please help

any additional input on this topic would be appreciated it..

the ph up and down that i got off ebay was listed at Hydroponic up and down, although it is a granular , up looks like a corn starch texture and down looks like a table salt texture...
Hi mate , Try and not use fox farm if you are going hydroponic its a organic line and could be the problem.
I also have the same things you have, After much reading and knowing my system down to the smallest detail i have put it down to some sort of sucking insect , So i used the old pesticide (now before the comments come about smoke chemical) i ask all these people what do you think you eat everyday on your veggies. Also there is no evidence thats its even in the bud and more so after 3 weeks apon application. In my eyes its the only thing that kills spider mites in one go and no fucking around with re-peats

Also are you leaving your fresh water to sit over night to get out the chlorine those pictures look like either mold in your water (foxfarm) that and high temps or chlorine



  • don't be an idiot like myself, and calibrate your ph tester if its necessary. I have similar rust spots on lower leaves like that, and when I tested the ph the old fashioned way, realized the ph was at 4-4.5. Digital was WAY off. If your ph is at the proper level, and HAS been, then you may have a fungal issue, and want to lower the humidity to around 50%, and spray the plant with OH water laced with Neem Oil. Mix: 1 quart oh water, 1/2 TBS neem oil, 1/4 tsp dish soap, and shake that baby up and spray on the upper and lower leaves. Check in 7-14 days, and spray again if needed. Neem Oil is an all natural extract from the Neem Tree that is hell on just about any pest or bacterial or fungal infections.​




  • I have similar rust spots on lower leaves like that, and when I tested the ph the old fashioned way, realized the ph was at 4-4.5. Digital was WAY off. If your ph is at the proper level, and HAS been, then you may have a fungal issue, and want to lower the humidity to around 50%, and spray the plant with OH water laced with Neem Oil. Mix: 1 quart oh water, 1/2 TBS neem oil, 1/4 tsp dish soap, and shake that baby up and spray on the upper and lower leaves. Check in 7-14 days, and spray again if needed. Neem Oil is an all natural extract from the Neem Tree that is hell on just about any pest or bacterial or fungal infections.​



New Member
spots on leaves are from misting the leaves with the lights on for sure went through that myself had me thinking it was every problem in the world just stop and they will eventually make there way to the bottom and fall off.....good luck