bottom leaves turning yellow


Active Member
I'm sure I'll get shit for this but honestly, using all the charts and everything it seems all symptoms for everything resemble each other, and I'm not sure what the problem really is. I have this happening with just one of my plants, out of 10. I'm growing in Bio Bizz all mix soil. I planted it 5 weeks ago, and have been giving it Bio Bizz Bio grow (4ml per liter of water). Should I even worry about it?



Well-Known Member
I'm sure I'll get shit for this but honestly, using all the charts and everything it seems all symptoms for everything resemble each other, and I'm not sure what the problem really is. I have this happening with just one of my plants, out of 10. I'm growing in Bio Bizz all mix soil. I planted it 5 weeks ago, and have been giving it Bio Bizz Bio grow (4ml per liter of water). Should I even worry about it?
dont worry its normal


Well-Known Member
Plants have leaves, plants grow new leaves, old ones die. The rest of the plant looks superb, just trim the dead one once they're too far gone.


Well-Known Member
Plants have leaves, plants grow new leaves, old ones die. The rest of the plant looks superb, just trim the dead one once they're too far gone.
looks like one of my white berries looked a while ago....give it a nice double dose of your veg nutes and than next time just pure water...than give it a double dose again...use this method...i started to and never seen yellow leaves since...also could be cause its been in that small ass pot for 5 weeks...could be going root transplant...and guaranteed if you do in a week that think will start growing an inch a day!!!


Active Member
I have this same problem on most of mine. but i never experienced yeild issues cause of it. I think it might have to do with not enough nutes or not enough light. I usually just lollie pop the bottoms anyways and use those for clones seeings the bottoms only really get popcorn buds due to no light. Im kinda a newbie but any information i can give I hope helps. Peace


Active Member
Looks like Mg def to me.Bio-Biz nutes lack magnesium as I understand,so what you need to do is give them a dose of epsom salts.
Here is a very good feeding schedule when using Bio Bizz >>
Once in the final pots let them root out the soil ball before flowering, as a general rule of thumb once all the plants are showing roots at the drainage holes. Go to 12/12.
You should not need any feed right through these stages. Once you are on 12/12 start feeding 1 ml of both grow and bloom to a litre of water.
At about week 2 of flowering change the mix to 1 ml grow and 2 ml bloom per litre.
At week 3 [21 days] a one off feed of a heaped table spoon of epsom salts per 10 litres add to that 1 ml of grow and 2 ml of bloom.
Round the 4 week mark, the mix is 1ml gr and 2 ml bl.
Once you start to see browning of pistils change to 2 ml gr and 1 ml bl keep with that till the end.
All you really need is grow and bloom + a little epsom salts.
An added point, if you see the tissue between the veins on the lower leaves turning a lighter green at any point its likely the first signs of Mg shortage starting an addition of a little epsom salts to the next feed should keep things right. Don’t over do this or else you can lock out other nutrients.
If you need to add any extra epson salt's at anytime, i use 1 tsp to 5 ltrs of water. Be sure to melt the epson's in a little warm water first then add to your 5 ltrs.
When using Bio Bizz you will need to grab a box of Epson Salt's to add MG (Magnesium) because Bio Bizz does tend to lack MG.
This is the schedule that I was reccomended and it works well for me.
Cheers Budbox


Active Member
Thanks for all the responses, I'll try not changing too much since most of you seem to agree it's normal for bottom leaves, and it's the only big thing I've noticed. I'll probably trim them.
I'll post some pics tonight for you guys' viewing pleasure, you guys deserve it. You might have never heard from me, but I have been using your advice for weeks, so thanks!

looks like one of my white berries looked a while ago....give it a nice double dose of your veg nutes and than next time just pure water...than give it a double dose again...use this method...i started to and never seen yellow leaves since...also could be cause its been in that small ass pot for 5 weeks...could be going root transplant...and guaranteed if you do in a week that think will start growing an inch a day!!!
The pot is actually not that small, it just looks like it in the picture for some reason.