bottom leaves continue to yellow, die, and fall off???


Well-Known Member
Its a bit soon yet, but what type of lighting and wattage will i need for 12/12

More light causes more heat, so buy a light that suits your setup and ability to control temps. Some people use multiple cfls, some use LEDs, hps and so on.

A 400w hps would be worth looking at for start to finish grows and not cause too much of an issue.


Aliendifferentpost: 11952505 said:
Sorry. You know what i ment. Ive read the ops last two threads and theyre not getting any "brighter", most people find the section theyre growing in by now in riu ( like hydro, stealthcab, fluorescent) and read up on thisearch by reading at least. Im also pretty sure shes been told like fifteen times she needs more light yet she refuses to listen. :wall:
I guess im a different type of learner. I have been reading and honestly there are so many different suggestions and reply it (for me) becomes hard to decide whats right and whats not so right.
This is literally the first plant ive ever grown.
So im exploring, taking things in, reading, researching because i like it. I would like to continue to grow if its worth the effort.
I know i need more light. If you read all of the thread you would of noticed i said i was planning on adding more light.
I havnt gravitated to any paticular *riu for my grow because im exploring all options snd viewing lots of opinions. What i have done though is gravitated to people who have shown an interest in helping me including you. But i honestly dont like feeling stupid from a comment made by someone whos opinion i value.


More light causes more heat, so buy a light that suits your setup and ability to control temps. Some people use multiple cfls, some use LEDs, hps and so on.

A 400w hps would be worth looking at for start to finish grows and not cause too much of an issue.
Would a 400watt hps effect my power bill enough to notice the extra usage?


Well-Known Member
Would a 400watt hps effect my power bill enough to notice the extra usage?
I really can't answer that for sure, but I don't think it would be too much.
Probably like leaving a pc on.

I run a bigger light, my elec prices a cheap so it doesn't affect me much.


Well-Known Member
I guess im a different type of learner. I have been reading and honestly there are so many different suggestions and reply it (for me) becomes hard to decide whats right and whats not so right.
This is literally the first plant ive ever grown.
So im exploring, taking things in, reading, researching because i like it. I would like to continue to grow if its worth the effort.
I know i need more light. If you read all of the thread you would of noticed i said i was planning on adding more light.
I havnt gravitated to any paticular *riu for my grow because im exploring all options snd viewing lots of opinions. What i have done though is gravitated to people who have shown an interest in helping me including you. But i honestly dont like feeling stupid from a comment made by someone whos opinion i value.
sorry, i started here at riu as well. I used to click on the newbie central section and read all the threads, then the hydro threads cause thats what i started with, then go to the regular growing threads and read all of those, then i started adding and posting on threads. As soon as id come to an idea i didnt get id hit the search and search the hell out of it until i knew it inside and out. Now i just hang out here and try to help new growers out.


Well-Known Member
Would a 400watt hps effect my power bill enough to notice the extra usage?
Nahh, theres a light cost calculator somewhere on the internet that will tell you how much it will cost. You can just pick 400 watts x 18hrs a day x what the cost of your power is per unit which is probably on the power bill and itll tell you the daily and monthly cost. Id guess around 10 bucks a month.


Well-Known Member
@skocean i run a 400 HPS and am glad i listened to the hydro shop's recommendation on not going higher because of the heat issues. if you're in a small space, go with the 400 but definitely get some more light soon. you have spent three months on her and she should be looking much bigger, so you're wasting your time by not having adequate lighting; however, she looks good enough you'll be able to get her healthy for flower in no time! from seed to harvest, i can get a plant finished anywhere from 16 weeks up to 22 weeks (or more) - you could be close to harvest if you would have had adequate light for your plant. my light bill went up around $25 +/- each month - more than worth it for the buds produced.
hang in there-you'll be smoking your own before you know it.


Well-Known Member
The plant is smart. It sheds the lower leaves as it grows because it knows that when bud making time comes, that it wont be getting lots of light down there and bud production will suck down there too. Giving less chance of the plant eventually getting pollenated by some by plant airborn jizz. So the bottom leaves drop and the plant puts more energy into the top where it thinks the jizz loads will be flying.
Another reason that plants will lose lower leaves that you may be guilty of is improper lighting. If the lights your using arent for growing, or are weaker than they should be, then the plant can lose the lower leaves. If your plants engine (the light) isnt puting out enough energy then the plant realizes that not all of itself can survive, so once again it focuses on the top of the plant in hopes that it recieves a giant bukkake of plant semen one day, so it drops the lower leaves.
So if you want the plant to do well id grab a seven gallon smart pot. A drip catcher. A 400 w hps light. Some easy one part nutrients and a bottle of calmag. And put that thing in a closet that you dont use. All that stuff will cost you around 400 bucks but youll grow that (well maybe not off that particular plant) in one grow. Then your set up cost is paid for and everything else is FREE weed. You can buy single feminised seeds online for like ten bucks or less and away you go. ;)
this set up would probably yield you 250 grams with a three and a half month veg. Easily.


Well-Known Member
I say go big or go home.... Assuming it's illegal you're going to jail whether it's ounces or pounds....

Thousand watt hortiulux bulbs .... Blockbusters


Well-Known Member
I say go big or go home.... Assuming it's illegal you're going to jail whether it's ounces or pounds....

Thousand watt hortiulux bulbs .... Blockbusters
Lol, that's my thoughts but deep down I figured the ease into it approach was best until she learns how to control her environment.

@skocean if you can handle the light and keep it cool a 1000w will dramatically increase growth.


Well-Known Member
I regulate my own time and am usually very careful. However i fell asleep last night and my lights got left on. How and/or will it affect my plant?
Buy a freaking timer. Keeping lights on a regular patern is a MUST. They are cheap. It amazes me how everyone wants great smoke and are willing to try but they cut some silly corners.