bottom 2 mini leaves turning yellow in veg


New Member
hey man I'm a noob myself but I have done alot of research on the subject and if it is the original round leaves that first come out, they are called the cotyledons and depending on age and other conditions they usually turn yellow and die. From what I've read it seems as though they store water or nutes in them and the plant will actually use them for food thats what causes them to die off. I'm in the middle of my first ever grow and mine died after like 1 week old and my plants have stayed healthy so far. I vegged for almost a month and now I'm on week 1 of flowering and still have no idea what sex they are but I've been having alot of fun. Post some pics heres what mine looked like when they died.


Total Head

Well-Known Member
when you say mini leaves do you mean the cotyledons (little baby leaves before the true leaves)? if it's those don't worry about it. hypocrite420 got it right with that one.


Active Member
they fall off, get use to it. it will happen in every grow. it is normal so dont worry about it and search next time, topic is covered 5 times a day


Active Member
when those two small leaves die off it is actually a sign that your plant is ready to start being fed nutes...start with nutes made for plants during the veg cycle and start with half the recommended amount of nutes and go up from there...good luck and have fun


Well-Known Member
Yepper,Cotyledons, or bitch leafs, or milk leafs. Fuck em. Start a nute regimen. Your shit looks like its spose to, except you may have a mite problem. See if you have black specs on the under leaf. If you do, thems mites.


they fall off, get use to it. it will happen in every grow. it is normal so dont worry about it and search next time, topic is covered 5 times a day
The search on this forum is almost completely useless, so it's kind of hard to blame him.


New Member
@ chickengutz were you referring to my pic? thats not the plant he was talking about. thats a picture of mine to figure out if those were the leaves he was talking about. I don't have mites. I have seen a couple weird random bugs in my room but no infestation. that pic was taken like 20 days ago this is what they look like now:



Well-Known Member
@ chickengutz were you referring to my pic? thats not the plant he was talking about. thats a picture of mine to figure out if those were the leaves he was talking about. I don't have mites. I have seen a couple weird random bugs in my room but no infestation. that pic was taken like 20 days ago this is what they look like now:
I thought I was seeing light colored specks on the fan leaf in the foreground, my bad! Nice!