Botrytis Cinerea


Well-Known Member
Howdy friends!

Just wondering, I have not dealt with much bud rot the last couple of years but this year I am starting it notice it more often.

I have been spraying with Seranade and just sprayed yesterday with green cure, truing to rotate it. Also been applying BT to prevent the cats from starting an infestation. I also use seaweed juice, which is suppose to protect the plants from diseases as well.

Usually when I find some, I gently take a popsicle stick and open the bud up and spray it with hydrogen peroxide, I then clip off the infected area and put it into a ziplock bag very gently and then disinfect my tools with 90% iso alcohol and peroxide as well, change out gloves, pretty much take all safety precautions.

We have had lots of rain lately due to those hurricanes and tropical storms coming up this way. I believe that is the factor as I always notice it after a rain like that.

I have been doing some research, A LOT of research actually and have found a few products I am interested in ordering. I am behind and uninformed of any newer products within the last 3 years that may be out there and released that may be possibly effective for rot. I am willing to pay any amount of money for any top fungicide. It is worth it in my opinion as usually one or two branches worth of buds will pay off the investment.

Some I am very interested in is:

Regalia (Organic Bio-Fungicide)
Actinovate (Organic Bio-Fungicide)

Then one I read about over on icmag, which the few people who do use it and know of using it says they have not had a spot of bud rot not even a speck in the last few years they have been using it is called "FLINT". It is a chemical fungicide, it is VERY expensive! $299.00 per bottle. It is also systematic and supposedly much much lower toxicity rate than Eagle 20 and recently approved in some medical mmj states for use on marijuana.

That is what interests me the most is that it is systematic, botrytis starts from the inside and works its way out. Something systematic in my opinion would be my best bet. Yes I understand the health hazards and all with it, I understand I will be smoking trace amounts. It is not a known carcinogen, it does not work on the central nervous systems as most fungicides/pesticides/insecticides do, the main complaint has been possible skin irritation occurring. I am more than willing to use this if it works. $299.00 would be well spent in my opinion.

Just looking for anyone else's advice, opinions, experiences with these listed products or anything else new on the market that is more effective than my current products I have on hand.
I still use scissors and surgery, I do however spray the infected part of the stem after I remove the infected bud with isopropyl and it goes black instantly, before others jump in and say I'm melting my trichomes I only spray the stem at the site of infection not the bud. I also use a fan outdoors and use toothpicks to open the buds up, can't get unto the good stuff you guys get in the states because Australians apparently need a bunch of regulations to keep us from hurting ourselves lol.
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I still use scissors and surgery, I do however spray the infected part of the stem after I remove the infected bud with isopropyl and it goes black instantly, before others jump in and say I'm melting my trichomes I only spray the stem at the site of infection not the bud. I also use a fan outdoors and use toothpicks to open the buds up, can't get unto the good stuff you guys get in the states because Australians apparently need a bunch of regulations to keep us from hurting ourselves lol.
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I grew half of my plants non-topped or non-trained this year. Meaning their are huge long thick top colas which I believe in turn gives a better environment for mold to grow on the most critical part of the plant where most of the quality and weight are. I won't do this anymore.

Most of my plants are monster cropped, they began to flower lightly after vegging on 18/6 for over a month and a half, then I switched to 24hr veg and they reverted about 2 months ago and bushy as hell.

I thought about the toothpick thing, I may give that a shot as well a long with my other preventative tactics as well. I think I am going to choose the FLINT fungicide, it is super expensive but if it works then I will never have to worry about rot again and growing outdoors, it never fails, here in Kentucky you will always lose a percentage of your OD crop to botrytis whether it be a large or small %. I have tons of money invested into this years grow so I can't really afford to lose much.

Guess I will keep you guys updated how it works. $299.00 dollars for 16oz or 20oz I do believe is the cost. Outrageous but thw stuff is rumored to completely wipe it out.
Howdy friends!

We have had lots of rain lately due to those hurricanes and tropical storms coming up this way. I believe that is the factor as I always notice it after a rain like that.

Hilarious, the jail bitch/self proclaimed expert grower hasn't realized yet that you have to protect buds from rain. A roll of plastic and some pvc tubing- 30 bucks, you fuckin chimpanzee.
Lmao, protect plants from the rain? In a guerilla grow?? Wow you really are stupid. Unlike you, I don't have a "couple plants" with thin ass airy buds like you posted in your retarded post. I have lots of dense buds, more plants than I can count, you know nothing of guerilla growing.

May the rot be with you Larry. You and your spindly plants.

You have more experience I see with cocks, faggots and taking it up the rump than anyone I have met here yet. That is all you speak of. You should get out of the growing business and get into the gay porn industry. Your mother created a weak, gay, illiterate, immature, whiny, wimpering, little asshole. Actually fat asshole. I can tell by your arm you are a fat lazy momma's boy.
"A roll of plastic, pvc tubing"? Lmao.

Yeah, if you lived around here you would be one of the dumb asses that get busted within 6 days. You don't do things like this in a guerilla grow. When you get at least a month of experience in, come back and see us.
Your the one that is suppose to be the "expert". Obviously you are extremely uneducated in growing, in life period. Go back to your mothers tit, pansy. She misses you and you need the colostrum that you missed for your burned brain.
Okay ALL guerilla growers, expert Larry is here to save the day from bud rot! He recommends to lay out a roll of plastic upon the tops of the plants and pvc to support the plastic. Yes, cover hundreds of plants spread within hundreds of feet, individually and just throw white and even clear plastic sheeting around everywhere for the big boys in the choppers above, says it is a GREAT stealthy way to camo and protect your plants from Law Enforcement. He recommends building fires around your crops as well and putting out smoke signals for aerial flyovers.

Larry the expert, are you fucking ignorant or what? I am not creating a landing strip or helicopter pad for the black hawk. If you wanna go to prison, go for it. I know your dying to go obviously and get some of that, how was it that you put it? Black dick? There will be plenty of it there for you to gag on.
"A roll of plastic, pvc tubing"? Lmao.

Yeah, if you lived around here you would be one of the dumb asses that get busted within 6 days.

No I wouldn't. I would have grown a strain that matured by mid-september, chimp.

How stupid are you anyway? You think getting moldy buds is just inevitable, you've been growing year after year and it never occurred to you to just grow a strain that matures before the fall. you're a stump dumb hillbilly retard.
Okay ALL guerilla growers, expert Larry is here to save the day from bud rot!

Yes I am, unfortunately my advice is too complex for the hillbilly retard.

You want a guerrilla grow that doesn't require much attention and won't get bud rot? A grow that won't get fucked up from cold or rain?

Grow cinex. It's good weed and mature by the 15th of september. Grow strains that are adapted to your environment. Strains that you can harvest before fall weather sets in. Don't fight your environment, make it work for you, not against you.

Don't pull a psychadelibud- who grows strains of sativa that he has to harvest 3 weeks early because the buds are getting moldy and it's too cold for it to keep growing. Psychadelibud is a retarded asshole, don't be like him. Grow good weed or don't grow at all.
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Compared to you I am. I can actually grow weed. All you can grow is mold.

Yeah that may be why I have already harvested 7 lb thus far and my harvest actually has not even started yet.

You know you do a lot of shit talking and all i have seen photos of is a few puny buds that are airy and leafy. My outdoor sales as high as my indoor bro. This is just the beginning of very very many photos of my "moldy bud". Haha... get a life prick.

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Sorry Larry but my own local bred strain "Appalachian Brain Freeze" is done before that. Actually finishes end of August.

And when and what month or day the bids finish does not determine whatsoever if the bud will mold or not mold. You have a greater chance with mold actually by growing a strain that finishes earlier in the hotter and humid months. Totally opposite of what you recommend.

You truly are proving yourself a 100% dumbass, post by post, step by step. You are retarded.
here in Kentucky you will always lose a percentage of your OD crop to botrytis
I'm not the one that claimed your buds are moldy, you are. By your own admission, every outdoor crop you grow gets moldy.

You're a dumbshit. Like right now, you live in a state where it's illegal to grow weed but you're still shooting your mouth off about all the weed you grow. No wonder you keep getting thrown in jail.

That bud in the first and third pics looks pretty good. Too bad it'll give you a respiratory infection if you smoke it.
As a preventative, look into humic and fulvic calcium chelates. It increases the uptake of Ca by orders of magnitude which in turn makes the epidermal layers of the plants hard to penetrate and infest.
Sorry Larry but my own local bred strain "Appalachian Brain Freeze" is done before that. Actually finishes end of August.

Oh yeah?
Yeah that may be why I have already harvested 7 lb thus far and my harvest actually has not even started yet.

So which is the truth, you harvested it in august or your harvest hasn't started yet?

Then you say shit like this that shows you're a clueless idiot-

We have had lots of rain lately due to those hurricanes and tropical storms coming up this way. I believe that is the factor as I always notice it after a rain like that.

So it's just starting to dawn on you that rain and moisture causes bud rot? How many years did it take you to make that connection, Sherlock? Not to mention that you claim to have bred a strain that you harvest in august, and yet it's halfway through October and it's still growing. Which are we supposed to believe, Pinocchio?

You claim to get bud rot every year, and then in the next sentence you claim that you harvest it in summer before the rains begin. Which is the truth there?

You're a poser. It's starting to become clear that every word you say is a lie. You download pictures of weed from messageboards and then claim that you grew it. Get a life loser.
I harvest in august, sept, oct and November fuck head. Those buds dont have mold. I have had 2 plants out of hundreds with mold so far. You are stupid.