Both Candidates Disgust Me

RP's postion on a lot of things is vastly different than BOTH candidates. So to say he is closer to one or the other is silly. Given the 2 choices Obama/Biden is the lesser of two evils. McCain Palin=Dead end, game over America. :(
RP's postion on a lot of things is vastly different than BOTH candidates. So to say he is closer to one or the other is silly. Given the 2 choices Obama/Biden is the lesser of two evils. McCain Palin=Dead end, game over America. :(

I disagree with your presumption that Obama is the lesser of two evils. Both Mccain and Obama voted on the Bail Out, thus both are equally stupid, and equally evil in my book.
i agree with wannabe grower, Obama is the lesser of two evils if not a step in the right direction. While the bailout may have been a bad idea or may not have, i won't even pretend to understand that level of economics soo i cant really have an educated opinion on that. But I like Obama's tax plan more than I like Mccain's I dont think the wealthiest of the country should get the most tax breaks; I dont think the concept of trickle down Econoics makes sense. I think Obama is stronger on Issues like foreign policy, pro choice/pro life, healthcare, and possibly bringing about a good change (juries still out on that). I also think he has better Integrity, and a better world view. I am scared of John McCains as president for a couple reasons. Neo-Cons view of the world and objectives scare me. Just look up PNAC on google... I also don't want a vice president who doesnt believe in separation of church and state, and thinks we lived with the dinosaurs.
Step in the wrong direction is more like it, but then again, both candidates are a step in the wrong direction.

The only path they lead to is an authoritarian slave state.
We're slashing the hell out of pork barrel spending,

vote MHM and TBT for Pres and Vice, you won't be sorry, we promise a Marijuana crop in every yard. :bigjoint:
i understand why you would want less taxes and smaller government. I personally don't mind paying taxes if they get used in the right way. No pork barrel and not so much on immoral war's. But i dont think abolishing income tax is realistic. Don't you drive on the roads taxes pay for, get an education in the schools they fund, etc? I think McCain would be a step in the direction of an authoritarian state, the way Bush was. I don't think thats the same with Obama.
i understand why you would want less taxes and smaller government. I personally don't mind paying taxes if they get used in the right way. No pork barrel and not so much on immoral war's. But i dont think abolishing income tax is realistic. Don't you drive on the roads taxes pay for, get an education in the schools they fund, etc? I think McCain would be a step in the direction of an authoritarian state, the way Bush was. I don't think thats the same with Obama.

I supposed I should have taken the time to respond,

first off the taxes that fund our roads primarily come from excise taxes on gasoline, and from property taxes. Those are the same taxes that fund schools.

Thus your entire argument is based on flawed arguments. Abolishing Income Tax is not going to interfere with the ability of the states to levy excise taxes to pay for the roads, nor of the ability of the federal government to levy excise taxes to pay for the national highway system. Abolishing the income tax would also not interfere with the ability of the government to pass property tax levies to pay for schools.

So, no, in the end, income taxes do nothing more than strip away the ability of the government to carve exceptions into the income tax code for whatever special interest group comes their way. It would strip D.C. of much of its bureaucratic power, and do a great deal to restimulate the economy by giving a large chuck pf purchasing power back to the working classes.
It's funny, the lottery funds the schools, property taxes fund the schools, state taxes fund the schools. Why in the hell are the schools always screaming about being broke? Who is skimming off the top of all these funds? Must be a hell of a lot of people.
It's funny, the lottery funds the schools, property taxes fund the schools, state taxes fund the schools. Why in the hell are the schools always screaming about being broke? Who is skimming off the top of all these funds? Must be a hell of a lot of people.

Bureaucratic Inertia... who knows where the money goes... though if recent news is anything to go by, my guess would be dinners for students prior to attempts to rape them.
MY town has just under 6000 people in it, yet our fire marshall has a brand spanking new SUV to drive around that says "fire marshall" on the side of it. I see him driving it around on Sunday even. I just want to ram it and scream "this isn't fucking new york city, you can ride a bicycle across town in less than 10 minutes". Makes me want to puke the things tax dollars get spent on.
MY town has just under 6000 people in it, yet our fire marshall has a brand spanking new SUV to drive around that says "fire marshall" on the side of it. I see him driving it around on Sunday even. I just want to ram it and scream "this isn't fucking new york city, you can ride a bicycle across town in less than 10 minutes". Makes me want to puke the things tax dollars get spent on.

Is the Fire Marshall a county or a local office? cause 6,000 doesn't seem large enough to justify that kind of largesse, or able to afford it.
We are the county seat and the largest town in the county. Each town has it's own fire department except the townships that have 200 people in them, they use the FD of the closest town. There are no other towns in our county that have more that about 2000 people, actually closer to 1500 or less.

Like I said, you can ride a bicycle across town in less than 10 minutes. I find it a huge waste of money, especially since he uses it as a personal vehicle.
We are the county seat and the largest town in the county. Each town has it's own fire department except the townships that have 200 people in them, they use the FD of the closest town. There are no other towns in our county that have more that about 2000 people, actually closer to 1500 or less.

Like I said, you can ride a bicycle across town in less than 10 minutes. I find it a huge waste of money, especially since he uses it as a personal vehicle.

6.000, so that's about 4 - 500 a person, maybe less, depends on the brandname if its a Domestic they might have got it for a song.

Of course there is also the chance that it was confiscated for taxation and they picked it up at a government auction. There's no telling, and sense I don't know if your town's budget is open to the public I don't know if you can actually find out how much they paid for it.
It's nice and new, I doubt it was pre-owned. The guy is an electrician so I'm sure he can afford his own car. His family is my towns version of the Kennedy's. They've all got their fingers in everything and their hands are dirty as well.