Botanicare CNS17 Users


Active Member
Any CNS17 users our there - specificly coco users?

Am about to start my first run with CNS17 coco Bloom + Ripe and was wondering if the feeding chart on Botanicares website is too hot or not? I am also using all their additives (liquid karma + pure blend bloom original + sweet + aquashield) and notice that the chart says to reduct by 10-15% if you are using additives.

Does anyone have a nice weekly chart that they know wont burn the crap out of my plants?

Any other hints or tips for the CNS17 line is much welcomed as well.


hey mand did you ever get that worked out? I found your post in a search for some words on CNS17 in coco. what did you end up doing? I've been told by everyone to cut the manufact. recommended levels in half at LEAST. then build up.
Im about to start a similar setup (cns17 grow / bloom) but without any additives except calmag, i hope itll be sufficient.


Active Member
I have concluded that if you are using all the additives you should cut your base by about 20%. If you are only using calmag then I bet you could use full strength. I would definitely keep an eye on things though.