Boston Baked Beanz


Well-Known Member
Have you take a look at the diy led vero?? If heat is an issue for you you should take a look and the guy are really helpful when you need help to design yours im waiting for my order i have my friend who like to build all kind of things offer me to built it for me for 50$ i will give him the double with some nugs ,i'm not the manual type except when growing :bigjoint:, im so excited to try them there are awesome grow like @SomeGuy wich definitively conviced me to try it


Well-Known Member
i didnt realize i vegged the ghost for 2 months in a 5 gal lol and shes def looking nice at day eighteen. gotta charge the cam, but again im nugless $$less and the gg4/cookies are both at day 50. im trying so hard to get to 63 days! just not gonna happen this round.few more days and timberrrrrr.....veg is backed u like crazy! got bb3 deathstar fc1 basically ready and gonna veg a few in 3gal for bout 3weeks. also vegging my rare d male, few of the sour g males autoflowered and wouldnt reveg. have 2 that ddnt AF. waiting on dirt to transplant the banana puffs. oh yea, im ninetynine% sure that whats labeled bm2 is my grgr1, makes me happy


Well-Known Member
im waiting on a loan, when that goes thru ill be either grabbing a 315cmh or diy led supplies, not sure yet.
I'm updating my room with hps and plasma alternating. Ive read a lot about cmh, led, and plasma and I chose the plasma. It's supposed to have a super high par and spectrums of uva and uvb. Close to natural sunlight.