
Just wondering if anyone here has ever grown the BORDERLINER XTRM strain???
I'm looking at buyn the seeds,i was impressed by reading up on the strain,especially the yield it can generate per sqm...
If anyone on here has had any experience with this strain please let me know if it's worth the money to buy,coz they're not cheap at all.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
750 grm per M sq would be an optimum amount under perfect conditions.......
G13 Neville's cut will do the same if not better.
Both would need to be a SOG, flowered at 8-10 inch's and under high watt lighting. So then you would need a lot of beans to do it right.....Mmmm, finish height would be in the 20-24" area for the G13. For the Borderliner, being a pure landrace Indica,,,,,you would have to flower at around 12-14" maybe even 16" for the same yield rate as the G13.

Anyway,,,,if it was so good,,,,why have we not heard more about it.......Sounds like an interesting breed for crossing with....Hmmm. Border x G13 x ghost cut and backed to the Border or the ghost......depending on the F1 results......This could be interesting!



Thanks for ur in put dr who..
I'm just in the market for high yielding high thc strains..ppl buy quality bud so yeah I wana make ppl happy lol.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
High yield/ great buzz strains

Black Russian by Delicious seeds is a heavy yielder with high potency! It reminds me of Amnesia Haze as it too, can cause you to actually forget what your talking about mid sentence! Good stuff!

There are a cpl of AK47/WW crosses out there Kalishnakova From GHS and Osirus from Pyramid seeds both do well here.

G13 (Neville's cut) from Dr Greenthumb
Irainian - G13 from Dr Greenthumb would be your 2 best choices if you have growing experience for yields/strength..

S.A.G.E. & sour from TH seeds works

Kushage from TH is good too! L-O-N-G lasting buzz
same for

Exodus Cheese from Kaliman or Skunk #1 from Sensi seeds (same thing but different pheno) are old school but would fit here.

You may find that there are more then you think might fit......You will find that others and some that are not big yielders have better high's.....
THC content does not make it the best buzz.....Most of the super high thc content strains are not the best yielders...


For the cost to known genetics....I would go to the G13 and the Irainian-G13 and run both....Se what you get and keep running the one you liked time goes on. Try the Black Russian and the others.....Run several strains in rotation. Your customers won't get bored by the choice's


Borderliner xtrm...i did grow it. It was my first growing and after i had 600 grams of 4 plants, under 2x600 hps, veg was 5 weeks.
I had lot of problems, so i think it was a great yealding strain.