Boomer's Ocean Grown 5k watt ScrOG Lab w/ c02


Well-Known Member
This grow journal is a continued perpetual harvest cycle I have in rotation using a 10'x10' flower room with 2 scrog tables for weaving branches and support. the veg room is also 10'x10' but only has a 4'x4' flood table for vegging out clones to be moved into the flower room. I also have started new scion mother plants to get my own cuttings from.

This is a medical collective grow which i have been contracted out as a member grower protected by SB 420 and PROP 215 in california. I have seeked expensive and professional legal advice from a specialist attorney in this field and have all the proper paperwork and documentation. All meds grown will be taken to the collective. I am excessively documenting my grows through an online grow journal to share my achievements and mistakes to help other growers as well as for my own safe documentation of growing in a country that has a god made plant listed schedule #1 narcotic.

I appreciate all readers and anyone who would like to contribute to the grow with mature suggestions and hydro related questions/comments. this is not soil or soilless. The grow is almost all rockwool grown and this grow journal is to show what I have done to get the product i grew. in no way do i ever agree things i do or say i correct and true. i respect everyones opinion and beleive there is no one superior grow style/setup; its all about the grower mastering the enviroment he has to work with and the end production.

This is a screen of green grow style SCROG.

I will be using a co2 generator with propane tank

I exhaust my room at night to lower humidity

The room is sealed with lights on.

odor; 100 can carbon filter

4x 16" oscillating fans

Photoperiod; 12/12

2x 70 gallon rez tanks
2x 4'x8' flood tables
drip to waste hydro feed
temps @ 85

This round i am running;


OG x BUBBA KUSH (ocean grown kush x bubba kush)
Indica dominant

I will flower out flower table 1 with the 18x OG BUBBA and i am currently vegging freshly transplanted OG BUBBA cuttings for next month to be flipped into flower on flower table 2.
after this run i will put both tables on the same feeding schedule and flower schedule.

While these bitches grow i will be cleaning out and building the new project;

New grow location employing 30x 1000w dual arc HPS/MH vertical bulbs running 2x 16 site under current bucket dwc hydro system. 10 tons of AC and 400amps power. Seperate veg room with 600ws.

Anyways i guess on to the current pix and i will be trying to do weekly updates when i change out the rez.

Flower room;

veg room;

24x OG BUBBA cutitngs (strongest 18 will be flowered out)
4x MaSTER BUBBA KUSH cuttings (vegging to become future mothers)

Scion mother drip to recirc bucket system.
Current Mothers; OG BUBBA KUSH


mr west

Well-Known Member
the slow uk boys are here for your entertaiment lol, well one of em is anyway>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:querkle sweet feet pheno lol


Well-Known Member
so today i received a message from Northeastern Lights aka "Nel" warning me of RIU new update version issues and the security features. I have been logging all my grow journals at anohter grow forum for a while now since an old memeber; Jackmayoffer, i met 2 years ago switched over and convinced me to join.

The grow forum site is THCFARMER.COM

it is a more serious grow site with bigger grows no CFLs etc... breeders and great seed companies. Less bullshit chatter and more facts. I encourage anyone doin a legit grow to click on over to thcfarmer and start up over there. it takes like 50 posts before u can even PM (showin how serious the users are) and the user control panel is all pretty much the same once u skim around.

anyways i want to thank all the growers on this site who have helped guide me to where i am today and the future warehouse grow that will help so many so cal patients with their pain relief. it was fun while RIU lasted but ive even noticed the lessened traffic of users. My #1 rule of growing is SECURITY. whether or not this message is true or just a rumor, (its very convincing) im not willing to risk being the one with his hand in the cookie jar.

For those who still want to follow my grows at just click the link below and itll take directly to my grow journal and get u started out. I wish everyone the best of luck and hope to see familiar faces over at the new forum. bongsmilie

Boomer's 5k watt ScrOG Lab w/ CO2 LINK @ THCFARMER.COM

And heres the message i received; Copy and pasted word for word

"Thanks for the message. Well as you might have seen my post Roll locked my password on my filthyfletch when i went to him with concerns on how the newest version of the site is setup. He claims he is a web designers which I have to doubt because of the things he has done make no sense if your running a secure site. I told him my concerns he told me I was not as smart as he is basically so i asked for my own personal concerns to have my account and posts yanked as I see holes and told him the holes and what they can let happen so he got mad basically saying if he pulled my posts and pics and how to,s it would hurt the site. He has basically now gone to only caring about his advertising dollars as less info means less hits which means less money to him.I joined in 2007 20 days after the site first went online and loved the site and community but something went wrong with Roll and his greed it was always said to be policy if you come to him with a real concerns he would close out an account and yank your stuff for you....nope he now just bans your password and pretends nothing happened still keeps my account as active and happy. The new site is linked and setup as a blog type site using the familar facebook type setup on an even less secure coding which leaves trails right to users computers even when using your regular proxies. He has increased the spidering from the serach engines instead of removing his site from search engine spidering which basically gets all your posts and screen names listed everywhere on every search engine bring the site right to the front of police and feds. he then lets marijuana seed and grow equiptment have sales banners on the site promoting illegal operations which coppers don't like so he made the site very hot I have seen cop trollers alot on here lately looking for people who dont know better that might give up too much info.He allows social networks to be added to the site which is a definate non no as most people dont think but those accounts tend to be made by people who used their own real info so map right to thieir house. Then add the fact he is lying the server is not off shore in international waters but is based in atlanta which thiat states law allows for server info to be supeonaed giving up users info and ips is just plan stupid but he lives in Canada and doesnt care about it as it affects US members the most. Then straight refusal too listen to a senior members personal request for direct saftey issues to have sensitive info removed is just fucked up. Basically holding all info hostage as evidence is how I look at it. I have asked several time to just release my posts and Id go quiet but he refuses so my next steps will be to have the site brought down by other means as he is putting good people in a lot of danger of arrest. He took all editing priviledges away from users. i think you maybe able to go to your attachments folder and remove your uploaded images but i cant im blocked.If you stay here be very careful as the site has gone south and is dangerous. No one has to believe me but I am warning as I personally dont support this site anymore and dont post anymore stuff here.Good luck and be very careful...."

mr west

Well-Known Member
long time lurker on thc farmer see ya there mate. Shame bout the security issues they have here.


Well-Known Member
Well how long do you guys think it will be before this thread gets locked, if not deleted... That can give us an idea of creditability to the story...?


Well-Known Member
itll be a piece of mind and i dont care if its compeltely secure or not since im as legal as i can get in this status quo. but thats where ill b and again goodluck to everyone else.


Active Member
I see, greener pastures. I've lurked over yonder when I want some really good DIY advice on big setups. Don't know if it is any different than RIU, but it gets less traffic. Take it easy and I might see ya over there, but I'm going to stay in the noob zone until I get some breeding projects under my belt or at least until i get a couple of grows in. I don't think RIU and thcfarmer are mutually exclusive...

take it easy,
