• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Booby trapping plots


Active Member
And a big stockpile of stupid booby trap ideas just lying around on the internet will not help more retards create more stupid booby traps?

Just report this thread so someone deletes it.

Mary I Wanna

Active Member
What the fuck is your problem, I dont have any reasons to booby trap my plots at all. I started this fucking thread because booby traps are out there in the real fucking world, and there are still people that do it, shouldnt people be able to share knowledge of whats happening in the real world, I would never harm or injure any living creature let alone people. Its better to know what potential dangers are out there then just not give a fuck like you, SHame on you, and its assholes like you with your negativity that ruin good threads, Grow the fuck up kid

Well first off, my problem is stupid people like yourself. Second, im niether a kid nor an asshole.. Why do you feel the need to warn people to look out for booby traps? Do you go around in the woods looking for plants to steal? So your not only an idot you're also a thief.. You would have never started this thread if you were not looking for clever ways to booby trap your plants.. By claiming other wise you are only insulting my intelligence.. It's obvious from your grammer, that you are not what most would consider a smart person.. Why hasn't a mod deleted this thread yet..? This thread breaks the TOS..


Well-Known Member
theres so many rediculous threads its rediculous, anybody who has a brain can spot a dumbass 2 miles away on this site... it only takes a couple of posts..
by dumbass i mean fake, fraud, just trying to fit in, anybody can easily come here and not post one single post or even register and kno how to grow legit pot.
thanks to the real ppl here with real info, real genetics, real hearts, and real love for the mj community we are all united, connected, and growing bomb shit.
grow the fuck on, and if its safe, show as much love as you can.


Well-Known Member
no need to booby trap if you got deep thick woods with little to no trails or populated area, ive heard of fish hooks catching kids in the face


Well-Known Member
I dont understand why everybody is being so negative towards me, I can see negativity from booby traps, This is a marijuana forum, and topics related to marijuana. The only booby traps Ive seen or heard about were in newspaper articles and online and I thought people would have something to say about it, instead of trying to bash the guy wanting to get a discussion started about it, why not just simply share your thoughts on the topic? If you dont like booby trapping, then write it on the thread like alot of civilizied people already have, Dont go around throwing out accusations that are completely false just because you dont agree with booby trapping and want to take it out on the thread starter.
All I wanted was to have a good conversation between potheads and growers on the topic and since I didnt see it discussed in the forum, I thought that alot of people would like to contribute and give their 2 cents since it does reguard marijuana. oh well, just trying to spark conversation guys, maybe ill spark your intrest on another thread, happy toking:joint:


Well-Known Member
Pardon me for interrupting the flame-o-rama. I just wanted to put in my two cents on the topic.

Booby-trapping a grow will only advertise it.

If it must be done, go natural.

Poison ivy or poison oak will keep most two-legged critters far away.


Well-Known Member
i do have a trick i like to do. i have a p;ot in very thick brush i have to crawl alot of it. there is a path but not one you can really see. just where you can walk threw the brush. i cut the vines so all the branchs push out of the way. i have a few buckets. five gallon and a ash tub. buried them right up to the rim. i have them filled all kinds of stuff. pisss. drain o. cow shit with alot of water to make it soupy. even throw dead animals in them. small animal bird ex. i stretch a panty hose over them and cover them with leaves and grass. if they take my shit there going to have smelly shoes. and a long walk with crap in them. plus they really stink. nothing like weed..


Well-Known Member
Can i get a two thumbs down to booby traps? They are pointless, I mean why the fuck booby trap a grow if it's found it's found. No need to endanger innocent people who might just stumble onto a grow. It really gives us growers a really bad rep and it gives the government just another piece of ammunition to use against the industry. Just grow your plants, have 2-3 sites, if one site is found say fuck it and go to the next and wait for next year. It's that simple.

And no negativity towards you stonerman. My only negativity is that towards people who think it's necessary to booby-trap a marijuana grow. Just my 2-cents


Active Member
I second this ^. they have hunting cams that are perfect, and cheap.
True true. But, could tie you to the grow. They have some nice models you can put up in a tree, 20 feet or more. Those cameras are easy to steal too, I always have a acquaintance at the end of bowseason try and sell me a hot one. I've personally could of snagged a dozen or so in my time.
GGrowing can be a nasty ordeal. Booby trapping is a total dick move tho. Compares us to f'n tweakers - one of the true scourges of the drug world. I've thought of plenty of f'd up traps, for entertainment purposes only. I'd never actually use them, or even suggest them in public. Never know who will pick up the idea and try it.

Biological Graffity

Active Member
hmmm....lets move this thread in a more positive dirrection....humane booby traps! after all, all u need to be is alerted that someone fucking around, 50% of the time its totally inocent...I remember a few years back scouting and planting a patch with a buddy of mine, after we were done planting 6 of ours, I was taking a leak 20 feet awayI noticed 4 more that were deffinately not ours...what you gonna do right? Luckally it wasnt booby trapped ...in the end that one particular patch got jacked , I think by cops...or maybe the other grower...well he was there first...but some ideas....a tripline, an air tank and an air horn....or a flair gun pointed to the sky...a camera flash would make someone think twice before jacking u....I dont know, getting jacked here and there is just the cost of doing buisness, never put all your clones in one basket LOL


Well-Known Member
***BTW using a proxy at my work to hop on so it wont let me seperate my paragraphschillwills:"If someone should happen to stumple upon your plot and steal your plants, then thats life. sorry. Try to pick a better spot next time"Lmfao or if you did a great job you'd stumble across a dead body of a THEIF that tried to steal YOUR hard work. There are some farmers who carry shotguns for whoever/whatever crosses THEIR property.. and there are some who do not. obviously your the one that does not. So keep your opinion to yourself and lets just allow the OP to get answers cuz there are other farmers on here who dont share the same ignorant philosophy as you.


Well-Known Member
You should try to actually read the thread before posting next time. Did you happen to catch this part?

Lol I wanted to start this thread because I know there is people in this world that have booby trapped grows before.I think This could be a great thread, get the discussions flowing Love to hear some feedback and opinions, happy toking guys.:weed:
]"[/COLOR]Lmfao or if you did a great job you'd stumble across a dead body of a THEIF that tried to steal YOUR hard work. There are some farmers who carry shotguns for whoever/whatever crosses THEIR property.. and there are some who do not. obviously your the one that does not. So keep your opinion to yourself and lets just allow the OP to get answers cuz there are other farmers on here who don't share the same ignorant philosophy as you.
The thread is about booby trapping your grow.

Its not about protecting your own land/property using firearms. Which I am for 100%. If someone comes onto my property with the intent to steal from me, harm myself or my family, I wouldn't hesitate to use lethal force.

Huge Difference.

Brick Top

New Member
I once saw a TV show about the dangers the DEA, and State, County and local, cops can face when they try to take down an outdoor commercial grower.

In a part of the show about growers in the hills of Kentucky and Tennessee it said often times they will use some plots where there is only one way to get to the plot by foot. It sounds stupid because that means an obvious trail. But what they do is have sacrificial plots, small plots they do not mind being taken. The one single way to get to them, the single passable trail, will be a narrow trail with something like a high rock wall on one side and a drop off on the other and they will set booby traps along the way. They will use punji sticks like were used in Vietnam and another one is depending on what sorts of venomous snakes they have in their area they will catch timber rattlers and or copperheads and run a thin wire through the rattles or the tail of the copperheads and stake them along the trail and around the plot. Anyone walking the narrow trail, with nowhere to change direction to take a different route, will run across venomous snakes staked close along the edges of the trail on pieces of wire about 3 to 6 feet long, and if they get past that, and the punji sticks, they find more venomous snakes around the plot.

The show claimed the booby trap ideas were twofold. One, to injure enough law enforcement people to reduce the numbers in the area that if there were more able to be in the field at a time might otherwise find their main plots and also to cause apprehension in the law enforcement people in hopes of making them figure it is not worth the cost in injuries to look for plots and just basically look around in safe places and only act like they are doing their jobs ... which of course the law enforcement people said does not work, that it does not keep them from going wherever it is they know or feel they need to go.

Some people can be real nasty.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I once saw a TV show about the dangers the DEA, and State, County and local, cops can face when they try to take down an outdoor commercial grower.

In a part of the show about growers in the hills of Kentucky and Tennessee it said often times they will use some plots where there is only one way to get to the plot by foot. It sounds stupid because that means an obvious trail. But what they do is have sacrificial plots, small plots they do not mind being taken. The one single way to get to them, the single passable trail, will be a narrow trail with something like a high rock wall on one side and a drop off on the other and they will set booby traps along the way. They will use punji sticks like were used in Vietnam and another one is depending on what sorts of venomous snakes they have in their area they will catch timber rattlers and or copperheads and run a thin wire through the rattles or the tail of the copperheads and stake them along the trail and around the plot. Anyone walking the narrow trail, with nowhere to change direction to take a different route, will run across venomous snakes staked close along the edges of the trail on pieces of wire about 3 to 6 feet long, and if they get past that, and the punji sticks, they find more venomous snakes around the plot.

The show claimed the booby trap ideas were twofold. One, to injure enough law enforcement people to reduce the numbers in the area that if there were more able to be in the field at a time might otherwise find their main plots and also to cause apprehension in the law enforcement people in hopes of making them figure it is not worth the cost in injuries to look for plots and just basically look around in safe places and only act like they are doing their jobs ... which of course the law enforcement people said does not work, that it does not keep them from going wherever it is they know or feel they need to go.

Some people can be real nasty.
sounds like propaganda to me. Making the cops feel like indiana jones whenever they go after growers. I would consider myself pretty experienced with snakes and you would never see me trying to handle a venomous snake, people get paid big bucks to do that.


RIU Bulldog
Boo to the assholes flaming the op.
I swear you can't even have a grown up civilized conversation without some tree-hugging, PC, hippy douche trying to stop you from talking about it cause it offends some people.
Get fucked!


Well-Known Member
You should try to actually read the thread before posting next time. Did you happen to catch this part?

The thread is about booby trapping your grow.

Its not about protecting your own land/property using firearms. Which I am for 100%. If someone comes onto my property with the intent to steal from me, harm myself or my family, I wouldn't hesitate to use lethal force.

Huge Difference.

Lol actually I was enjoying the arguements and read every page :] thats why I thought it would be funny if I made a little joke. Im a pretty peaceful guy and if ya heard me say it in real life I woulda had the most smart ass tone. :]

But regardless it was just an example.. I said SHOTTY cuz the OP's example with the SHOTTY on the trip wire :] Whats the difference between holding a shotty in ur hand compared to havin it out on a trap that YOU set. Same thing, so im sorry you took it literal but this thread is all about bobby traps not actually pulling the trigger with your own physical body.. lmfao if anything.. THEY (THEIFS) are the ones pulling the trigger on themselves, you just put the unkown choice (trap) out there :]


Well-Known Member
I once saw a TV show about the dangers the DEA, and State, County and local, cops can face when they try to take down an outdoor commercial grower.

In a part of the show about growers in the hills of Kentucky and Tennessee it said often times they will use some plots where there is only one way to get to the plot by foot. It sounds stupid because that means an obvious trail. But what they do is have sacrificial plots, small plots they do not mind being taken. The one single way to get to them, the single passable trail, will be a narrow trail with something like a high rock wall on one side and a drop off on the other and they will set booby traps along the way. They will use punji sticks like were used in Vietnam and another one is depending on what sorts of venomous snakes they have in their area they will catch timber rattlers and or copperheads and run a thin wire through the rattles or the tail of the copperheads and stake them along the trail and around the plot. Anyone walking the narrow trail, with nowhere to change direction to take a different route, will run across venomous snakes staked close along the edges of the trail on pieces of wire about 3 to 6 feet long, and if they get past that, and the punji sticks, they find more venomous snakes around the plot.

The show claimed the booby trap ideas were twofold. One, to injure enough law enforcement people to reduce the numbers in the area that if there were more able to be in the field at a time might otherwise find their main plots and also to cause apprehension in the law enforcement people in hopes of making them figure it is not worth the cost in injuries to look for plots and just basically look around in safe places and only act like they are doing their jobs ... which of course the law enforcement people said does not work, that it does not keep them from going wherever it is they know or feel they need to go.

Some people can be real nasty.
dam bro I cant even comprehend how that would look.. so a string to the back of the snakes rattler.. attached to a stake.. (so they can only move X amount of feet, meaning they are FORCED to stay within the area?) IF thats true.. there must be a buncha dead snakes over time wouldnt there? unless the grower goes by once a week to water and also brings a bag full of rats.. hmmm sounds pretty smart cuz snakes have a slow digestion rate.. plus snakes may be a bit too busy chowing down on some rats to attack ya.. sooo if popo brought a bag of rats maybe they could in a way impersonate the grower BUT the difference is the popo wouldnt know the exact route to take.. and they dont know where snakes are.. dam.. it makes hella sense on why it would discourage them (popo prob thinks that pot isnt even THAT bad of a thing either.. so once they see the snakes and the potential injury.. they just say "hey jerry pot isnt even that bad man! this grower prob has a mom with cancer and is just tryin to pay off the medical bills.. he left a buncha small plants here..(growers peace offering(bribe)) maybe we should take them and say we finished with the area and move on to those kids who keep trying to hide from the helicopters"