Bonz`s Dutch Treat 12/12 cfl grow


Well-Known Member
oh thought i would share a blast with you guys to.
taking a bit of a smoke break.




Well-Known Member
Dude you are the fucking man.
Im about to smoke a fat blunt not as fat as that though

I like what you have going, and how you have it set up with cfls.

When did you start putting light on the seedlings?

Im subscribed man this is great


Well-Known Member
as soon as i put them in the soil. i believe a few days after the 1st.
they popped overnight so i just started the light then to.

this is going to get bumped up to a 600 watt in a week or so. i will do the new room build here also.

thx mang


Well-Known Member
Hey Bonz- just reading through your thread on my day off here- That is a ridiculously large bone man! good god - take it easy man


Well-Known Member
Thought id "see you" and skin up a foot long Bonz :lol:

Half Oz of the church and one cigarette mixed in to help keep it lit.

Fuckin thing'l last me two days lol



Well-Known Member
ifor those of you that were following my outdoor grow with the chemo and heard that i accused my ex partner of stealing it and moving them
well he fuked up yesterday.
we both started on 420 mag forums and i made my threats back a while ago towards him and had my stuff all deleted. so i know he isn`t to smart so i sayed quiet and just have been watching. well yesterday he finaly posted and i have all the evedence i need to do what i do now.

here is the post he made, kinda buried himself. and now the whole thread is gone. and last night i went to log onto my comp and i had an icon saying black widow. but when i went to open it it dissapeared. i`ve heard it`s a software to collect my info of my comp, so i geusse i need to deal with this NOW!!!!!!

here`s the post.

Dear green acres,

NVancouver has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - Is harvest here yet...? - in the Journals in Progress forum of 420 Magazine.

This thread is located at:

Here is the message that has just been posted:
In the end I have decided that I make more than enough cash to just buy weed, and a family member recently won the lottery and sent us all cash back in September! First time I ever had $10K in my bank account!!...he heee
Screw growing, it is just not worth it for me anymore!!!

I will however be looking to do an outdoor project on a piece of land I have been looking into, or at a buddy's out of town (My get-away from this twisted reality in the city).

Unfortunately, I learned Chemo sucks ass outdoors here. I put 3 in a valley, 2 lived and one was eaten by animals. It was an experiment to see what I would have to do for this coming spring. I went with hopes to harvest this past weekend (Oct 4th). The 2 that lived had no buds on them and just a bit of frost on the leaves...basically they were so lousy I just left them. I even started to fertilize them durring flowering but it had very little affect. Lesson learned, better outdoor strain...better and more soil and not planted in a valley but on the south face of a mountain.

This strain was so lousy outdoors I went and picked up a few more strains:
My buddy bought Madame Poision and said it was pretty dam good where he grew it outdoor so I did the same, and I picked up Poison Mighty Mite as well.
You need strains here that finish flowering early, REAL early or it seems as if they just dont flower at all....

Good luck in the future...this message is my last on this site, at least for a while.
I have chosen to not post anymore for personal reasons. And because I am on holidays and heading out of town to help a legal outdoor farmer and my buddy do some trimming...alot of it apparently!
Happy Smoking!

There may be other replies also, but you will not receive any more notifications until you visit the forum again.

Greenest Regards,
420 Staff