Well-Known Member
oh yeah post a pic of that contraption u speak ofi know man..... so soothing, so refreshing..... i've been smoking out of a bottle bong since my glass piece broke. i'm the one bottle guy.

oh yeah post a pic of that contraption u speak ofi know man..... so soothing, so refreshing..... i've been smoking out of a bottle bong since my glass piece broke. i'm the one bottle guy.
Dam not as bad i thought u got a glass stem in it, and cut it down a bit kool bro when i was younger i would just cut a hole in a bottle and cut a carb on the bottom put some aluminum foil over the hole and press down 2 create a bowl and go 2 work dam i was stupid peacegood ol' billy bottle. smokes like a champ.
can't be too ghetto, you learn a thing or two after a few years of tinkering when you're not old enough to buy a proper piece. like the can stem? you have to have an actual glass bowl though.Dam not as bad i thought u got a glass stem in it, and cut it down a bit kool bro when i was younger i would just cut a hole in a bottle and cut a carb on the bottom put some aluminum foil over the hole and press down 2 create a bowl and go 2 work dam i was stupid peace
I take a pair of scissors and take one cutting blade and heat it up over a candle. take the hot blade and poke a small hole in the bottle. take the cool side of the scissors<the sharper the better>and continue to slowly flake away the plastic making a perfectly round hole if you go slow enough. this takes a few times to master. i take the middle of a can and roll it up tight and stick the stem in it to see if it fits, then tie it so it stays in position and stick it in the hole.