Bong coughage..


Active Member
Hey dudes i wanna ask the bong smokers among you a question.How long does it take before you can take a bong hit without coughing up a lung?
I've been a joint smoker all my life but i decided to get a bong yesterday.I love the high get from a bong hit,more intense imo....but every single hit i take i'm coughing up a lung for like 20 mins.....will my lungs get better at this?


Active Member
Take smaller hits?
Or use better weed?

I like to take a couple of deep breaths before taking a big rip, helps the lungs expand


Active Member
If you're interested in taking the biggest rip possible without fear of harshness,
get an ashcatcher with a carbon adapter.
Catches all the carcinogens and even helps with smell, not to mention keeps your bong clean. They are like 15 bucks and you have to replace the carbon every now and then.
They can be harmful if you don't rinse the carbon properly, be sure to read up on them, but I'm interested in getting one myself.


Active Member
it's weird its not harsh at throat doesnt goes in fine and then i exhale and it's like it's ticklling deep in my lungs and i gotta cough...


Active Member
inhale less of the smoke, instead of taking the whole thing in one go, try it in 3 instead

should be much more manageable. you can work your way up once you get the hang of 3


Well-Known Member
practice... practice... practice... I think you'll find you don't mind the hard work.


Well-Known Member
Man I been smoking 12 years, it never truly stops. Some ppl are coughers, some aren't. But as a general rule of thumb for me, that first bong time when I get home from work always makes me cough. Sometimes it makes my body hella hot too, and kinda sweaty. It's pretty tame after that I can take dabs and hardly even cough .


Well-Known Member
We debated this for ages when cheap harsh hash started showing up in the early 1970's.
The stuff was tons better than the Mex. dirt reefer we usually saw but the "call" was

We tried putting ice and ice water in the bong. Theory being that the ice would cool off the
smoke enough so we wouldn't cough up a chunk of lung. Didn't work well, smoke did get cooler
but when it expanded in your lungs it hurt. Kill the ice idea.

About the only thing useful we figured out was this -- the bigger the bong the better. Especially
having a lot of dead air inside the bong. Seemed to mellow the hit for us.

Let us know if you stumble over some miracle we need to know.



Active Member
yeah will do.I did try taking smaller hits.It worked....but i feel like i'm cheating myself by not taking as big a hit as i can


Well-Known Member
I have a Brita pitcher in the fridge filled and ready to use at all times. It's sole purpose is to fill up my bongs with cold, clean water lol!

...also try using a Hakko instead of a lighter.

There are many factors that can influence coughing: strain used, how it was grown/flushed, type of bong, etc.. etc...