Bone Meal


Active Member
Okay so I gave my Plants have a teaspoon of bone meal they are in veg still! I just top dressed them should I scoop it out sorry my post is sloppy I'm using my phone cause I don't have the net right now...


Active Member
Don't worry man, I added about 1/3 cup to my soil before transplanting not knowing any better and they seem to be loving it. It aint done any damage yet. But yes I did also water the shit out of it. Worked for me anyways..


Active Member
Yea I've been watering the shit outta of it lol cool shit thank you guys and it's 6-9-0 but I have the k if I need it should I put some in?


Active Member
Is that okay to use or should I find another way my only problem is money right now or I would get some of the good shit Like fox farms


Well-Known Member
get u some blood meal too ull b fine read the back 4 proper amounts 4 potted plants and i think u could put 3-4 more t spoons of bone in there its all natural and is slow release it b good 4 it


Bone meal takes time to break down properly in the soil for the plant to digest, so top dressing with a teaspoon won't show effects immediately -- even with watering. Usually you'd mix it in with the soil prior to filling the pot (some people even mix the soil and leave it for a week or two prior to use), so the plant can absorb it effectively.

If you need to see more immediate results from fertilizer, like if your plant isn't doing very well or you are growing autos which can't wait around for the fresh bone meal to break down, than liquid fertilizer with micronutrients that you can add directly to the water would be a good solution. You can get some 5-15-5 for around $10 at your local home gardening center. Just use it at 1/4-1/2 strength (depending on your specific plants -- look up the strain and see what is recommended).

I'd recommend something with root stimulator, too. Really help develop those root structures early on. Check this out (link).

Speaking of which... don't be too generous with watering during veg. Let the top of the soil dry out a little first, usually about an inch or so down. If you water too much during veg the roots won't have to grow as much to 'seek out' water, which can lead to a shallow root structure later on. Generally speaking, the time to increase watering is mid-way through the grow when the plant starts sucking it up like nobody’s business.

I hope that helps.


Active Member
Word but Like I said I'm money strapped right now and a 4 pound bag is 4 bucks right now fur blood meal and it's just some bag seed idk what it is I had so many lying around I just sprouted 2 of um for shits and giggles So me and my wife dint have to pay for buds any more I've got a while to let the blood meal and bone to get in the soil I'll cross my fingers and hope for the best