Bone meal


Well-Known Member
Hi there,

My plants are starting flowering and they are showing a lil P deficiency (pinkish-orange leaf tips)

I thought of bone meal, but have a question: what is the best method to apply it?

- Top dressing?
- Mix it with the water and feed the plant?
- Mix it in the soil mix (for the next transplant)?

I'm liking very much organics, BTW, its so simple.
Chicken manure for N
Molasses for K
Worm castings for micro nutrients
And now Bone Meal for P.... lol!

PalmDale Kush

Active Member
bone meal is the best shit u can use, i use it in all stages just so my plants get those nice root balls but anyways you can mix it into the top of ur soil before ur next watering or mix it in the soil for when ur transplanting before flowering.

good luck