body language.


Well-Known Member
what do people think about how we communicate with body language? how close and accurate is it? i ask...because i was reading a book the other day about body language and the different things that men do around women they're interested in. but does that body language signify romantic/sexual interest? or just interest in general? because i was observing a guy i know and he does several of the things that would indicate interest, but im pretty darn sure he's not interested in me as more than a friend (so he is in a way interested in me, but on a platonic level), so i thought i'd ask what people's opinions on body language are! :D
its a science.... detectives/interrogators are trained in it for detecting deception, and in that area it seems to be amazing, when utilized correctly... I'm not too sure with the sexual aspect of body language, but i'd imagine it would be about the same idea... if he's throwing out a bunch of cues, then chances are... :)
I believe it to be extremely accurate... some people may not pick up on it easily, but I can tell when someone is lying or deceiving me pretty dern' well!

Hey GG!!! You're up late!
You can always tell how a person is feeling by body language. It is written into our DNA however like someone above stated not everyone can read it well. Animals communicate through body language and we are nothing more than animals.
i would consider myself pretty damn good at noticing body language and i can see very very minor acute differences in people's body language, demeanour, etc. i dont get lied to very often :D i think its a really good thing for people to understand how to read these different signals. so if im good at this...i wonder if i could ever work in a field where i have to interrogate people? that would be kinda fun i think!
Check this out

Pretty good stuff in there. Things like explaining people interact with strangers. The closer you stand to someone when talking to them has a direct refrence to how you view that person. For example strangers you stay distant from, friends you stay a few feet from, and lovers usually stand with hips very close... So just by looking at two people talking you can understand many things about them and their relationships.

Theres a lot of stuff though just start doing some reading :P

Most people don't understand the specifics of body language, so even if they are being deceitful they body language will tell the truth.
Check this out

Pretty good stuff in there. Things like explaining people interact with strangers. The closer you stand to someone when talking to them has a direct refrence to how you view that person. For example strangers you stay distant from, friends you stay a few feet from, and lovers usually stand with hips very close... So just by looking at two people talking you can understand many things about them and their relationships.

Theres a lot of stuff though just start doing some reading :P

Most people don't understand the specifics of body language, so even if they are being deceitful they body language will tell the truth.
thanks for that link :D im downloading it now!
hi sarah. im guessing due to your name that you have a vagina. i also deduce that you are 22. and im assuming the friend your talking about has a penis. if all this is true then even if he says its only platonic at some point he whats to introduce his trouser snake to your love tunnel. even if he denys it. and i also believe in body language. but take into account that under the influence of drugs/alcholol the message might be different to the "sober" message. anywho if your underlying question was does my mate fancy me? get drunk and find out! lol
it's very accurate , like i tell my boyfriend everyday walk beside me , not infront of me like im rushing to catch up it looks were in a non loving relationship i always say hey if we were celebrities and in peopples magazine they would tell us our body language shows we dont love eachother of course even though we do haha
it's very accurate , like i tell my boyfriend everyday walk beside me , not infront of me like im rushing to catch up it looks were in a non loving relationship i always say hey if we were celebrities and in peopples magazine they would tell us our body language shows we dont love eachother of course even though we do haha

You make your boyfriend walk a certain way to promote a certain image? :shock:

steve1978 said:
hi sarah. im guessing due to your name that you have a vagina. i also deduce that you are 22. and im assuming the friend your talking about has a penis. if all this is true then even if he says its only platonic at some point he whats to introduce his trouser snake to your love tunnel. even if he denys it. and i also believe in body language. but take into account that under the influence of drugs/alcholol the message might be different to the "sober" message. anywho if your underlying question was does my mate fancy me? get drunk and find out! lol

I also deduce that you are 32 years old, and you given name is, "steven"... BUT! Your friends like to call you, "steve"

Am I right? Huh? Huh? :-o
ive been told that crossing your arms means your hostile insecure or defensive

some times i just want to cross my arms!
ive been told that crossing your arms means your hostile insecure or defensive

some times i just want to cross my arms!

holding a fist, or palms facing away from the person is defensive/deceitful, and open palms facing the person is considered open/truthful
You make your boyfriend walk a certain way to promote a certain image? :shock:

I also deduce that you are 32 years old, and you given name is, "steven"... BUT! Your friends like to call you, "steve"

Am I right? Huh? Huh? :-o

no but it doesnt look nice when hes head of me and im like trying to catch up itook an entire course on body language it defiantly means things
lol. there was no need for a double huh. but i still think my points are valid. my main point was maybe more complex than was origanially stated. i do believe in body langauge, but i also believe in the fact that man cannot control his penis. if you disagree thats fine but there would probably be more evidence in my corner. (shut up clinton, this isn't hte time). oh your powers of deduction fail you my friend. my name is derived from the first martyr. stephen. and im 31. which makes you wrong on both your deductions. i can now only call your sherlock in a sarcastic tone.
damn by the time i finished my post 3 more replys were entered. sorry for being slow. i blame the vino/kush combo.
lol. there was no need for a double huh. but i still think my points are valid. my main point was maybe more complex than was origanially stated. i do believe in body langauge, but i also believe in the fact that man cannot control his penis. if you disagree thats fine but there would probably be more evidence in my corner. (shut up clinton, this isn't hte time). oh your powers of deduction fail you my friend. my name is derived from the first martyr. stephen. and im 31. which makes you wrong on both your deductions. i can now only call your sherlock in a sarcastic tone.

Well I should have said your turning 32 this year if you haven't already :)

Instead of calling me sherlock, why don't we cheif on this?
I believe in body language to a point. Stuff like you can always spot liars if you are a master of body language is BS. There are massive numbers of people that are expert at lying both with their mouths and their bodies. Salesmen, strippers, lawyers, higher level business men, good gamblers, waitresses, bartenders, men that cheat and are good at getting away with it, women that cheat and are good at getting away with it, conmen/conwomen, sociopaths...and that's just for starters. Being deceitful unfortunately is advantageous in many professions. You can learn to be absolutely believable.

My fearless advice? If you like your friend more than as just a are either going to act on it...or you are not (yeah i know that is it's raining or it's sunny weather forecasting) Are you willing to act on it?