Body bags


Well-Known Member
i try... people need to be enlightened and stop worrying about which side they are on... we are all on the same side and when people realize that we can start moving towards utopia...


Well-Known Member
Well, I suspect "utopia" is unattainable, but we can certainly do better than the current egregiously corrupt two party system currently in place in US.
Dems and Repubs are cut from the same power hungry cloth!!!


New Member
The total avoidance of my point about the deaths inflicted by criminal immigrants speaks for itself.
Hypocrisy on parade here by the lefties who hate Bush enough to avoid the true horrors of this country's inability to control its borders.
BTW, if anyone cares, illegal immigrants are directly responsible for the deaths of almost 10,000 US citizens every year!
You guys don't feel like making political hay over this obscenity!
Hey DW, I have been one of the loudest critics of the immigration policies of this country. You're right, send them back and let them make their country a better place. My neighborhood has turned into a barrio over the last ten years. I haven't seen many problems, but the drunken parties on weekends sometimes get rather loud after 10PM. The thing with the Mexicans is they like to get stinkin drunk and turn the karioki machine up full blast and scream drunkin mexican songs so loud you can hear them for a couple a blocks. I've yet to call the cops, but I think My white neighbors to the west of me have. If they start sending back Illegals, there will be a lot of housing deals in my neighborhood.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah, i'm with you on illegals. i worked with one a few years back, i told him point blank he needs to go home...he said why, in his horrible english and i poked a hole in a plastic cup with water in it... i said this is what you do to our economy.


New Member
oh yeah, i'm with you on illegals. i worked with one a few years back, i told him point blank he needs to go home...he said why, in his horrible english and i poked a hole in a plastic cup with water in it... i said this is what you do to our economy.
See, we can agree on some things! BTW are you guys NRA fans or ban the gun pukes?


Well-Known Member
i have taught my son how to shoot since he was 5, got his first .22 rifle at 6, at 9 he shoots .243, tight iron sight groups at 50yds, just got him a scope.

the only reason i haven't "joined" the NRA is the way they backed down from clinton on the definition of assault rifles and high capacity pistol clips. i have sent them money and almost joined but they need to fight harder, imo.

still haven't heard back about my local record expongement. strangely, the longer it takes the better i feel about my chances.

oh yeah, a friend of mine up north started a site called, Welcome to, thanks for visiting.  Please forward this URL to a fellow gun owner. he's doing a great job in a very un-gun-friendly neck of the woods...


New Member
i have taught my son how to shoot since he was 5, got his first .22 rifle at 6, at 9 he shoots .243, tight iron sight groups at 50yds, just got him a scope.

the only reason i haven't "joined" the NRA is the way they backed down from clinton on the definition of assault rifles and high capacity pistol clips. i have sent them money and almost joined but they need to fight harder, imo.

still haven't heard back about my local record expongement. strangely, the longer it takes the better i feel about my chances.

When they take our guns, it's over. We can't let them legislate guns away through fear and propaganda. Fear of citizens having guns keeps most criminals out of our homes. If they knew we had no guns, what would stop them from stomping in our front doors and having their way? If I knew they were coming to get mine, I'd bury a few out in the back yard and give them the shitty ones. You can always say you sold it to a private party.

oh yeah, a friend of mine up north started a site called, Welcome to, thanks for visiting.* Please forward this URL to a fellow gun owner. he's doing a great job in a very un-gun-friendly neck of the woods...


Well-Known Member
not only the crime factor, what about solvency. even the extreme leftists realize that our guns are a big reason that we'll never be invaded by a legitimate army. just look at sweden in WWII, hitler took some serious, heavy loses trying to take over a country that didn't even have an army!! citizens who teach their kids to shoot make for a fine brick wall against any army. :)

if they go too far with anti-gun laws they will certainly start a quiet revolution that will turn ugly fast.


Well-Known Member
All states should have right to carry laws.
Focusing ones wrath on an inanimate object is downright stupid, IMO.
Guns do not hurt anyone without human assistance!



New Member
Hey Med ... you haven't lived until you've gotten yourself stinkin drunk, turn up the karioki machine up full blast and scream drunkin mexican songs so loud you can hear them for a couple a blocks ... especially if you're hanging out with a bunch of "Those Mexicans." I mean ... we ALL know how THOSE people are, right?? *lol*



Well-Known Member
see we can agree... and now we are getting somewhere... people fail to realize that if they took guns away from law abiding citizens the criminals would still have them... thats what criminals do things that are against the law... if having guns was illegal what would a criminal care they are criminals... and as far as the mexicans... last i heard there are around 15 million in this counrtry... if their country is so bad and corrupt i believe a 15 million man army could have quite a changing effect on their government and way of life... same with the muslims if the people would just not stand for the bs anymore and would rise up and fight for what they know to be right things would be much better... in fact americans fall into that category too!!!


New Member
see we can agree... and now we are getting somewhere... people fail to realize that if they took guns away from law abiding citizens the criminals would still have them... thats what criminals do things that are against the law... if having guns was illegal what would a criminal care they are criminals... and as far as the mexicans... last i heard there are around 15 million in this counrtry... if their country is so bad and corrupt i believe a 15 million man army could have quite a changing effect on their government and way of life... same with the muslims if the people would just not stand for the bs anymore and would rise up and fight for what they know to be right things would be much better... in fact americans fall into that category too!!!
How are you going to get a majority of people to agree on anything? Just take this forum, there are ten people discussing and twenty opinions, People are so involved in themselves that they don't have time to give to a cause, like legalization for example. I just hope that next presidential election the people actually look beyond the rhetoric and pick the best man for the job, as long as he's a Democrat~LOL~.