Bodhi Testers!

Lol, I'm in school dude so that's my job currently and I just became single, but I am introverted and kind of a loner so even with my ex I had plenty of getting off my ass to actually do it? Thats the hard part lol

Oh I see ya you def have a lil bit more time than I do. How I wish I was into growing when I was single lol my mrs doesn't mind but she complains a lot from the time I spend with the plants and it really isn't much but oh well she don't complain when her lips is puffing on what I grew :lol: yea we just alike tho I have to force myself in doing things now. Work really has me burnt but these past couple weeks away from it has really rejuvenated me and I'll be back to growing hard now with lots of TLC.
Oh I see ya you def have a lil bit more time than I do. How I wish I was into growing when I was single lol my mrs doesn't mind but she complains a lot from the time I spend with the plants and it really isn't much but oh well she don't complain when her lips is puffing on what I grew :lol: yea we just alike tho I have to force myself in doing things now. Work really has me burnt but these past couple weeks away from it has really rejuvenated me and I'll be back to growing hard now with lots of TLC.

Yeah for sure man, it takes me being away from something I love to realize how much I miss it...idk, I think I just get bored/content too easy and lose interest because I go all out 110% and then learn as much as possible too quickly lol then if I'm not learning or being stimulated I get bored
Oh I see ya you def have a lilbit more time than I do. How I wish I was into growing when I was single lol my mrs doesn't mind but she complains a lot from the time I spend with the plants and it really isn't much but oh well she don't complain when her lips is puffing on what I grew :lol: yea we just alike tho I have to force myself in doing things now. Work really has me burnt but these past couple weeks away from it has really rejuvenated me and I'll be back to growing hard now with lots of TLC.
I feel ya homie, I have been working overtime like the last 3 months and my garden is at capacity right now so my time is always spoken for.
Sux tho because like this last weekend I got together with my family and had to act like I am a boring fuck when really I got more shit going on than they could imagine lol. One day....

Isince I have been so bisy latelt I haven't had much of a chance to take pics of ky red eye jedi testers. They are huge now and going to flower tonight, plus I got some extra cash from working so much I can afford to get a tank and run co2 again. Which will help with summer coming into full effect even though I run my lights at night.
Yeah for sure man, it takes me being away from something I love to realize how much I miss it...idk, I think I just get bored/content too easy and lose interest because I go all out 110% and then learn as much as possible too quickly lol then if I'm not learning or being stimulated I get bored

Sounds a lot like me, feeling a little burnt out?
Sounds a lot like me, feeling a little burnt out?
Eh, I have had general anxiety/always been on the threshold of depression tbh. I have seen a couple of psychs and tried Prozac and it helps a bit, but I have come to just accept that that's a part of my brain I can't really help so I kind of just deal lol. I can easily recognize when I'm being too melancholic and how that will just lead me to be sad so I just remind myself of what I am grateful for in life and go do something, even if it's just cleaning up a bit.

Whoa never seen it said by somebody else so it seems to make more sense but thats me exactly. Always just thought it was a touch of ADD lol
Lol that's what I think as well! Oh and what you said about having to appear boring, that is so freaking funny because that happens to me all the time! Like I'm doing well in school but that's about all I can talk to the "muggles," about haha! I swear, I could talk about growing all the time for real
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Anyone else have any more info? Gg4x a11g in flower now

Congo pine x pipeline hashplant going into flower in the next few days
Only info I have is the suggestion for you to make F2's. Even if they are the shit, looks like Bodhi isn't going to be releasing any more work with anything Bros Grimm related. Cats are getting back at it and Bodhi doesn't want to take anything off of their plates.

This is just my assumption based off of what I have heard, nothing concrete by any means.
SSH x 88G13HP testers should be throwing genitalia within a couple days. I have got some good variation with these. From short and branchy to tall and pole-ish with decent branching. All healthy and vigorous.

The shots were taken right after I sprayed them with some aloe water.


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Brought down my last couple purple unicorn x yo mama.. purple mama(pm) 5 and 6 I call them.

Look - Both showed great colors with pm5 having more pink and bright purple while 6 was light and dark green and a darker purple which almost led to a golden color. Lots of long triches with big heads that make them easy to look at under a scope if that's your thing.

Smell - both 5 and 6 were very loud 8/10. You can't have a half gram in your pocket or bag or everybody in the room will be asking who has it. 5 may have even been a 9/10 because it's odor was almost oily and dense, a smell you could cut with a knife if that makes any sense. The smell had a lot of similarities with the rku I've grown and definitely has a hint of horses stall. Not just the crap but the hay and leather and wood etc. 6 was a more typical "dank" smell. A little sweeter but still has the sweet eraser smell I have described in the past.

Yield -medium. Neither were as big of yielders as their sister that I called le pew but got over 2 zips a piece grown in 10L pails.

Taste - both 5 and 6 tasted as they smelled but 5 had a deeper more rich taste that kinda stayed on the tongue a bit. Both have a very full smoke upon exhale.

Potency - 8/10 both 5 and 6 will properly medicate and provide a nice up sativa buzz while still helping with sleep issues. 5 was a little more sedative while 6 gave a slightly longer high. Neither much cared for heat and would fox tail easily.

Overall this cross has delivered nice colors taste and high along with a decent yield. I could see someone mistaking this for a goji in the grow room although smells are obviously completely different. Great functional high with virtually no ceiling however the flavor is so strong that I don't think I could run it as long as I ran my goji.
I know there are a lot of people doing Bodhi testing right now so I figured this would be an easy way to keep results organized etc.. I delete my pics after posting but will try to dig up what I've posted so I can get this party started..

So how do I become a Bodhi tester?!
I just got a pack of sour butterscotch x g13hp. Put them in water yesterday. Any info on the cross is greatly appreciated.
Happy growing
Testing the skunk va x wookie this go round.
Anyone else testing these or have any info on the wookie crosses? We already know how the skunk va crosses.

Strain: Blue Dream x A11g
Breeder: Bodhi
Picture: (if available)
IMG_1095.JPG IMG_1094.JPG IMG_1096.JPG IMG_1069.JPG IMG_1091.JPG

^^Finished under LED^^

1. Visual Appeal: 8

2. Visible Trichomes: 8

3. Use an X to indicate the colors that are present in the trichome heads under magnification or list the percentages of each color for a more precise report.

Clear [x ] Cloudy [x ] Amber [ ] Dark [ ]

4. Mark with X the colors that are present in the buds or for a more detailed color analysis rate presence on a scale 1-9 light-dark.

Brown [ ] Green [x ] Gold [ ] Blue [x ] Grey [ ] White [ ] Red [ ] Rust [ ] Orange [ ] Purple [ ] Black [ ]

5. Bud density: 7

6. Use numbers 1-9 on descriptors that apply to the aroma of freshly broken bud where a one indicates a subtle presence and 9 indicates a pronounced presence.

Ammonia [ ] Earthy [ ] Licorice [ ] Peach [ ] Berry [7 ] Floral [ ] Mango [ ]
Pepper [ ] Blueberry [5 ] Fruit [7 ] Meat [ ] Petroleum [ ] Bubblegum [ ]
Grape [ ]Melon [ ] Pine [ ] Cedar [ ] Grapefruit [4 ] Menthol [ ] Pineapple [ ]
Cherry [ ] Grass/Hay [ ] Mint [ ] Rotten [ ] Chocolate [ ] Hash [ ] Mold [ ]
Skunk [ ] Citrus [ ] Iron/Rust [ ] Musk [ ] Spice [ ] Coconut [ ] Leather [ ]
Nutmeg [ ] Strawberry [ ] Coffee [ ] Lemon [ ] Orange [ ] Vanilla [ ]

7. Aroma [10 ] Comments: Smelled very sweet.. almost like gummy bears etc.

8. Seed content [ ]

9. Weeks cured [ ]



Address these questions while smoking.

1. Please use a clean instrument for the evaluation. Enter information below that will identify the instrument as follows:

Water pipe (enter bong, hooka, bubbler etc) [ ]
Vaporizer (enter the brand name) [ ]
Pipe (size-type, ie medium-glass) [x ]
Joint (enter brand of papers) [ ]
Other (specify): Swisher sweet

2. Use numbers 1-9 on descriptors that apply to the taste where a one indicates a subtle presence and a nine indicates a very pronounced presence.
Delete the existing space when marking a descriptor in order to maintain the columns in alignment.

Ammonia [ ] Earthy [ ] Licorice [ ] Peach [ ] Berry [9 ] Floral [ ] Mango [ ]
Pepper [ ] Blueberry [ ] Fruit [ ] Meat [ ] Petroleum [ ] Bubblegum [ ]
Grape [ ] Melon [ ] Pine [ ] Cedar [ ] Grapefruit [ ] Menthol [ ] Pineapple [ ]
Cherry [ ] Grass/Hay [ ] Mint [ ] Rotten [ ] Chocolate [ ] Hash [ ] Mold [ ]
Skunk [ ] Citrus [ ] Iron/Rust [ ] Musk [ ] Spice [ ] Coconut [ ] Leather [ ]
Nutmeg [ ] Strawberry [ ] Coffee [ ] Lemon [ ] Orange [ ] Vanilla [ ]

If appropriate return to this question after 5-10 minutes and mark
with X any unmarked descriptors for lingering aftertaste.

3. Taste [10 ]

4. State of dryness [ 6.5] Rate the dryness of the bud from 1-10 wet-dry where 5 is ideal.

5. Smoke ability [10 ] Rate the smoke ability of the sample from 1-10 harsh-smooth.

6. Smoke expansion 7[ ] Rate how the smoke expands in the lungs from 1-10 stable-explodes.

SMOKE TEST COMMENTS: This bud smelled so much like berry and was so "sweet" I have had more than one person ask if I sprayed anything on it. I have never had a strain have such a sugary taste.


Address final questions immediately after effects have worn off.

1. Dosage [.8g ]

2. Effect onset [Pretty immediate ]

3. Sativa influence [ mostly.. Productive weed but will have the tendency to space out or forget]

4. Indica influence [will help with sleep unlike some strains that are majoirity sativa ]

5. Potency [8.. Will forget what I'm talking about at times ]

6. Duration [2-3 hours.. Very nice ]

7. Tolerance build up [6.. After smoking for a few days I would be noticeably less stoned but still properly medicated ] Rate how quickly tolerance builds from 0-10 none-rapid. Leave this field blank if you have not used this sample repeatedly.

8. Usability [ ] Rate on a scale of 1-9 where a one indicates a good time of day to smoke, 9 indicating a bad time of day

Leave field(s) blank if you have not yet formed an opinion.

Morning - wake up [1 ] Day - work [1 ] Evening - relax [1 ] Night - sleep [1 ]

9. Overall satisfaction [8.. Tastes great.. smells great but almost doesn't smell like weed.. Very satisfied ] Rate your overall satisfaction from 1-10 poor-Holy Grail.

After popping 6 beans I finally came up with a lady and she definitely did not let me down. The dried bud pictured was taken down at week 9 and the buds I let go another week had some serious blue colors poppin..

Taste was something I have never experienced before. While I have smoked BD before, this was something else altogether. A very sweet tasting smoke that tasted like candy and smelled like "great weed" on exhale.

Buds weren't the largest and yield wasn't anything to brag about, but I think with a little training I could do A LOT better. This plant had a really nice stretch (probably 2.5x) but didn't require additional support until that last week or 2 when those little buds start throwing on weight.

No seeds or bannanas.. I plan on running the clone an extra week or 2 and seeing what a little stress may do.

The high is very enjoyable. It has the sativa characteristics but doesn't cause any panic or anxiety. A relaxing weed which allows me to feel more comfortable in social settings and also helps with rest and sleep.

I know it is a very small sample size (I have 3 more beans that just broke ground a week ago so I'm hoping for another couple girls to compare) but this was a really special lady. Taste, smell, and bag appeal are attributes that this lady definitely possesses. Pair those with a well rounded high and I wouldn't doubt to see this mix for sale soon.

IMG_1098.JPG IMG_1103.JPG IMG_1105.JPG IMG_1117.JPG

^^Finishing under 315CMH^^

From top down: BD x A11g, Skywalker x Dragonsblood, C4 x ghash
