Yeah the problem with modern genetics is how everything can be traced back to bag seed. We are starting with plants who’s herm traits are the reason for their existence. Now we have to work backwards betting those traits out. Then another hype bag seed strain comes out, is used in a billion crosses, and we have to repeat the process.
Not to mention that herm traits are beneficial to survival for these plants in the wild. We are fighting millions of years of natural selection and a gene pool mostly based on bagseed parents.
So far the following has hermed:
5 out of 6 strawberry goji
3 out of 5 strawberry milk f2
2 out of 6 electric cowboy
1 out of 5 Clusterfunk
No herms on:
Cherry Sativa x SSDD
Black Triangle
Peach HP
Purple Unicorn
Lucky for me the favorites have been the strains that don’t herm, aside from electric Cowboy. I will
Never touch a strawberry milk cross ever again. I’m probably over reacting and my results are not typical.. But it’s hard to look passed these absolute mess plants.
Didn't Bodhi discontinue the strawberry milk dad recently? pretty sure i read that somewhere here
i hear what you're saying but man ive run so many old school strains that were so much more stable - herms happen with seeds so im ok with it happening from time to time - just part of the game - but im not gonna be quiet about it either, which you sure aren't being quiet and you sure seem to know what you're doing so im glad you're here reporting both negative and positive now i know to keep a more keen eye on these dazzleberrys when they go into flower
@hillbill that's great to hear about the Bing too because i was eyeing those up - i think i'll grab them now - thanks
He pretty much says what you're saying in the Potcast. When he decides that a male is worthy he pollinates his entire mother room. He then starts picking out the most interesting ones and pops a pack worth of seeds himself. If he doesn't finder a keeper worthy plant in the first try, that's the end of that cross. One keeper per pack is his minimum expectation, he says. Testing goes on from there if he finds some gold.Regarding Bodhi, I think we need to take a step back and realize that he doesn’t do much line work. I will get chewed out for saying this, but he’s basically a really large chucker with access to the best genetics available. I’m pretty sure he just does big open pollinations, one male to a room of females. Then he releases testers, looks at reports, and releases based on how he feels and feedback from testers. I wouldn’t expect any work to be put in to reduce herm traits
Add Heavenly HP to nanner list. I would've blamed my not so perfect setup, but DLA7 right next to her showed zero intersex issues. Also happened early-mid flower. Finished both, HHP was a good, smooth smoke. had to dig for terps a little, but very pleasant. I either did awesome removing those nanners or they were all sterile. Not a single seed
@Nutbag Poster Has the right idea. Finding a male that doesn't pass on intersex traits. Thats only step one though. If you truly are determined to save a specimen for line breeding, your next few YEARS will be breeding, growing, and hard stress testing through that lines flower window. Even after you've eliminated outward expression of balls or nanners through the flower cycle, there will still be the recessive trait that most plants carry for survival. So late term nanners(typically they'll be sterile) can still show up.Is there anyway to fix herms?
Add Heavenly HP to nanner list. I would've blamed my not so perfect setup, but DLA7 right next to her showed zero intersex issues. Also happened early-mid flower. Finished both, HHP was a good, smooth smoke. had to dig for terps a little, but very pleasant. I either did awesome removing those nanners or they were all sterile. Not a single seed
The lavender cut in the bay area doesn't get much purple, just a hint at the edges of the leaves, if anything. Most people say it smells like lavender, but to me they have a musty smell which reminds me of damp moldy books that weren't stored properly. Or I might describe it as really old dried lavender that wasn't stored properly, so most of the aromatic volatile oils have already off-gassed.i just finished up my Solo's Stash pack i bought in 2013 - 3 beans left and i got 2 females, 1 that's a beast - most likely go into flower after i clone them for my next run in November - ill be sure to put up pics if it's worthy
the one i kept for a little while back when i first ran them, was pretty nice but super stretchy so i didn't hang onto it
i think lavender is called lavender because it turns purple not because it smells like it - but what the hell do i know![]()
He pretty much says what you're saying in the Potcast. When he decides that a male is worthy he pollinates his entire mother room. He then starts picking out the most interesting ones and pops a pack worth of seeds himself. If he doesn't finder a keeper worthy plant in the first try, that's the end of that cross. One keeper per pack is his minimum expectation, he says. Testing goes on from there if he finds some gold.
The only way you can really "breed out" a hermie trait from a risky mom in an F1 cross is to choose the perfect male that always dominates that trait. He's not doing a specific male selection to tame each and every risky mother, but on the other hand, he's limiting his releases to a few well-proven males. For under 50 bucks a pack (counting sales and freebies), you can't expect generations of selecting and testing. Looking into the reputations of the moms is pretty key if you're very hermie-phobic.
Naw... you're right on and B would probably agree. He's for pheno-hunters and adventurers. If people want to grow one seed and get a plant that's exactly what they expected, he's probably not the breeder they want. Gotta bump up the risk a bit to get the extra rewards.Oh yeah. Hopefully I didnt come across like I was talking down on Bodhi.
@HaroldRocks 2012 isn't that old. Still could get a few of those seven to pop. Ancient OG, Pura Vida, that Elephantizer, and ASS are all strains I truly regret not picking up.
For the thread:
Bodhi may only be chucking for the most part, but we all know the great service he's providing by releasing such a wide array of genes. Especially done the way he's doing it so that the eager among us can breed and sift to find particular parental expressions. I'll take the occasional intersex issues for this opportunity without complaint.
Speaking of. Anyone want to speak out on their knowledge or thoughts on the last few insta posts from the man? That Black Afghani x Iraqi has me intrigued.