bodhi seeds

And you are exactly the kind of guy i describe. You don't even know why you hate fem and S1. Community ideological purity i guess, because you have no argument and surely didn't even try to answer mine.
Yes good males are hard to come by and require skill and time, so as i said breeding with fem and S1 are easier and quicker (yes it's the dark side little padawan :dunce:). Their is this blockage on breeding with fem only, for a reason i don't understand. Some commercial breeder out there seems to not have this mind restriction and work their line without male, and i am not sure they get so much problem... If use STS is so horrible i surely recommend to never enter in a scientific lab, you will have a heart attack :)

And yes i am a "beggar" because when i start of pack of 12 seeds that i paid 75$ and get 2 females i find it boring, especially when i don't want to make breeding with the males. It's pure waste of time, money and space.

If you want to talk genetic and breeding, i think i can do it, i spend 5 years learning in a university how plant are working.

The only thing i must grant against sts are in the epigenetic. It's how an organism regulate it's own gene expression, and experiences modify how the organism's gene express themself. For example for us human, a woman that was rape will have a different expression of some gene that are related to anxiety regulation, and these modification will pass on next generations. I don't think i ever read a study that talk of epigenetic in cannabis, so we don't know if the sts process have an influence in that regard, so there is the the benefit of the doubt, but in fact their is many other factor like environment and stress...
But in the pure genetic way, i don't believe sts do something wrong...
Please don’t slide up in here and make like you’re going to take us all to school. Seems like your trying to make a point that means nothing to this particular community. Simple fact is that Bodhi does preservation of lineage, primarily. If you knew about him and his personal philosophy, you would understand that he wants to inspire people to work the plant as it was intended, to get to know the plant and be a good shepherd of its future.
That said, one could argue that it’s YOUR apparent need to force the ideology of bottlenecking every expression of the plant rather than Opening the doorway to expression.
Like you stated it’s really about the goal of the breeding project, which for all intensive purposes selfing and feminization are not really breeding it’s more to preserve (bottleneck) a specific chemotype. Finally, whether you “believe” in it or not, genetically forcing a plant to produce hormones that cause intersex traits opens that genetic expression, period. Feminization is a genetic modification. There will be unintended consequences. First of which is the noticeable uptick in cross gender expression in modern cannabis. Only 2 ways that can be, the trait hasn’t been discriminated in breed specific expressions and purposeful use of that trait in broadly distributed seed stock. The only way to get rid of this trait is to select AWAY FROM IT. You say you took botany, prove me wrong!
I think environment has ALOT to do with it. I have had friends grow cuts that are known to hermi etc that have not had a single bannana in my room (almost perfect environment all the time).

I feel people get to hung up on fem/reg arguments sometimes when a perfect environment would solve alot of issues etc. Jmo and experience but having said that I do prefer reg seed but am willing to try fem from reputable breeder.

Bodhi has a great way of breeding and for what we may find and the price we pay none of us are in a position to bitch. Dont like it, try another breeder. I have had great luck with bodhi and also know not every bean is a winner genetically speaking. Jmo

Happy growing!
The only thing i must grant against sts are in the epigenetic. It's how an organism regulate it's own gene expression, and experiences modify how the organism's gene express themself. For example for us human, a woman that was rape will have a different expression of some gene that are related to anxiety regulation, and these modification will pass on next generations. I don't think i ever read a study that talk of epigenetic in cannabis, so we don't know if the sts process have an influence in that regard, so there is the the benefit of the doubt, but in fact their is many other factor like environment and stress...
But in the pure genetic way, i don't believe sts do something wrong...
I think epigenetics is the key to the reg vs. fem. debate. If epigenetics is truly in play, there's a reason to prefer regs if you can tolerate the inconvenience of sexing plants. Otherwise, I agree with you that fems are vilified unfairly. I'm kinda torn on the debate. I have a slight preference for regs based on a personal hunch that epigenetics may factor in, and I like convenient pollen-chucking. But I'm not scared of fems at all... I'll buy both. And I'll grow seeds from hermie accidents too if I like the genes.

That said, Bodhi is a male/female kinda guy and that's what he does. I think he believes in forces that science hasn't explained yet and keeping plants happy and doing what they want to do naturally in perfect conditions has an impact. If you don't like regs, Bodhi's not for you and that's ok. There are plenty of breeders who work the fem side with similar genes. People on this thread have accepted the all-reg situation and are on the train, males and all. The fem debate is a moot point with Bodhi. It's an argument for the sake of an argument and we're protective about fighting in this thread. :)
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Please don’t slide up in here and make like you’re going to take us all to school. Seems like your trying to make a point that means nothing to this particular community. Simple fact is that Bodhi does preservation of lineage, primarily. If you knew about him and his personal philosophy, you would understand that he wants to inspire people to work the plant as it was intended, to get to know the plant and be a good shepherd of its future.

Wanna talk again of ideological purity ?

You talk of plant knowledge, to "work the plant as it is intended" but i should f*** off when i talk of plant knowledge. I don't even start talking genetics. Open a plant biology book sometimes.

That said, one could argue that it’s YOUR apparent need to force the ideology of bottlenecking every expression of the plant rather than Opening the doorway to expression.
Like you stated it’s really about the goal of the breeding project, which for all intensive purposes selfing and feminization are not really breeding it’s more to preserve (bottleneck) a specific chemotype.

There is two way of making breeding. First is as you said to preserve a line, this is what ace or cannabiogen are doing (i grow a lot of there stuff in the past). Every year they grow there strain outdoor, and they select a few of the best parental to keep the line open to few phenotype and eliminate the weak individual. For there panama for exemple they keep the green and red, long and short pheno. It's the thing to do if you want to preserve a line and keep a good diversity and vigor.

Now if you want to make a cross, the best if to stabilize a particular phenotype of two strain before cross it, so you get a true F1 with great stability and vigor. Now i will call what you say bullshit, for the simple reason that this kind of breeding is why most of use are here, and not the preservation thing. I don't think bodhi is crying for the genetic diversity that was lost when he was doing his new Purple Unicorn F5 or the G13Hp when he get it (ibl line). So yes bodhi do like the other, bottleneck a specific phenotype for breeding purpose, and most of use buy his gear for this reason. So stop the ideological thing.

Finally, whether you “believe” in it or not, genetically forcing a plant to produce hormones that cause intersex traits opens that genetic expression, period. Feminization is a genetic modification. There will be unintended consequences. First of which is the noticeable uptick in cross gender expression in modern cannabis. Only 2 ways that can be, the trait hasn’t been discriminated in breed specific expressions and purposeful use of that trait in broadly distributed seed stock. The only way to get rid of this trait is to select AWAY FROM IT. You say you took botany, prove me wrong!

That is why you need to open a biology book really. STS won't produce more hermaphrodite, and no it has nothing to do with genetic modification, that's all the point of the process. Also if you want to know as a personal experience i get more hermie with regular seeds than fem. I got herm from bodhi as well with ogkb x g13hp, and before my strawberry goji session i got my whole box fuck up by a superstitious hermie. I didn't come here crying and call bodhi a bs breeder cause it has hermy, i know this is the game and i don't blame anyone.
All this herma thing is like people that grew cookie genetics from breeder that can only do F1 of F1 x F1 without testing, and blame the fem process, when in fact it's the lazyness of the breeder. Nothing to do with the process really.
and yes, the 88g13hp crosses are all unstable, which is why i now stay away from anything crossed with it - and that's based on my own experience
Wanna talk again of ideological purity ?

You talk of plant knowledge, to "work the plant as it is intended" but i should f*** off when i talk of plant knowledge. I don't even start talking genetics. Open a plant biology book sometimes.

There is two way of making breeding. First is as you said to preserve a line, this is what ace or cannabiogen are doing (i grow a lot of there stuff in the past). Every year they grow there strain outdoor, and they select a few of the best parental to keep the line open to few phenotype and eliminate the weak individual. For there panama for exemple they keep the green and red, long and short pheno. It's the thing to do if you want to preserve a line and keep a good diversity and vigor.

Now if you want to make a cross, the best if to stabilize a particular phenotype of two strain before cross it, so you get a true F1 with great stability and vigor. Now i will call what you say bullshit, for the simple reason that this kind of breeding is why most of use are here, and not the preservation thing. I don't think bodhi is crying for the genetic diversity that was lost when he was doing his new Purple Unicorn F5 or the G13Hp when he get it (ibl line). So yes bodhi do like the other, bottleneck a specific phenotype for breeding purpose, and most of use buy his gear for this reason. So stop the ideological thing.

That is why you need to open a biology book really. STS won't produce more hermaphrodite, and no it has nothing to do with genetic modification, that's all the point of the process. Also if you want to know as a personal experience i get more hermie with regular seeds than fem. I got herm from bodhi as well with ogkb x g13hp, and before my strawberry goji session i got my whole box fuck up by a superstitious hermie. I didn't come here crying and call bodhi a bs breeder cause it has hermy, i know this is the game and i don't blame anyone.
All this herma thing is like people that grew cookie genetics from breeder that can only do F1 of F1 x F1 without testing, and blame the fem process, when in fact it's the lazyness of the breeder. Nothing to do with the process really.
No matter, we're here to talk Bodhi. Bodhi doesn't do fems. It bums you, and pleases others. Notes for your next shopping experience. Good luck.
No trouble with 88g13HP at my little house. Had some Bodhi herms but not from that direction. Bodhi is in the top couple of breeders for me. So what about Snow Lotus daddy stuff?
Same here no issues with 88g13hp crosses in 4-5 different packs popped. It’s probably my favorite male bodhi uses. Got 5 ladies identified of old school hashplant and kept a smelly male around for some chucks. Nice piney hash stem rub on him.
No trouble with 88g13HP at my little house. Had some Bodhi herms but not from that direction. Bodhi is in the top couple of breeders for me. So what about Snow Lotus daddy stuff?

I loved the snow lotus was nice and recessive so you saw mostly mom

nibiru, tranquil elephantizer remix, and grandma's hashplant all grew nuts on me - they weren't very viable tho so it never threw much pollen...but they were pretty easy to see - all on the bottoms, never made it too far up and as long as i took them off, i wouldn't even find a single seed....some ppl will keep running plants that do that and just keep an eye on them, but i don't - i'm not ok with herms in the slightest so they get dumped and then i plant more seeds :leaf:
I think epigenetics is the key to the reg vs. fem. debate. If epigenetics is truly in play, there's a reason to prefer regs if you can tolerate the inconvenience of sexing plants. Otherwise, I agree with you that fems are vilified unfairly. I'm kinda torn on the debate. I have a slight preference for regs based on a personal hunch that epigenetics may factor in, and I like convenient pollen-chucking. But I'm not scared of fems at all... I'll buy both. And I'll grow seeds from hermie accidents too if I like the genes.

That said, Bodhi is a male/female kinda guy and that's what he does. I think he believes in forces that science hasn't explained yet and keeping plants happy and doing what they want to do naturally in perfect conditions has an impact. If you don't like regs, Bodhi's not for you and that's ok. There are plenty of breeders who work the fem side with similar genes. People on this thread have accepted the all-reg situation and are on the train, males and all. The fem debate is a moot point with Bodhi. It's an argument for the sake of an argument and we're protective about fighting in this thread. :)

Yes epigenetic has a role to play. Fact is people see genetic like something that rule everything, when in fact genetic is more like a recipe book and the organism pick up what it needs in the moment. But right now we don't know and even if there is indeed an influence, i am not sure it is really so strong. And study this is so hard as there is so many more factor.
Also i am ok with reg, i never said i want to forbid them :) The last years i must have grown 10-15 packs of bodhi and i keep pop another today.
Not long ago i said to a friend "i am tired of reg i won't grow them except bodhi" and this is probably what gonna happens. But surely if bodhi make some fem one day, and it's sure it won't happens, but if he does, i will be the first customer. :mrgreen:
I'm going to say it. Keep it civil and no dick headed comments. Especially to members that frequent this thread and have good reps etc... not calling anyone out just saying... no arguing and bickering, my experience may be dif than yours etc.... I get along with everyone lol... argue nicely and educate.

Bodhi peach hp male I have yet to decide what to do with to keep it related... and yes it needs water lol...nice squat male though
Love my quantum board (hlg 135 diy)
I would say that I do like the sativa effect at times, but being a high strung mofo, need to be chilled out quite frequently. Also, I’m pretty new to exploring different strains and have only grown out a handful of plants so this thread is a bit mind blowing and awe inspiring. Thanks!

If you're looking for chill-out, my best guesses from research and observations around here would be DLA-6 (super chill), Soulmate, More Cowbell, and Strawberry Goji. Probably GGSSDD too. The others could have some stimulating plants from the Temple, Apollo, and the Congo part of Axis.
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Fim'd this pair today at node 5 Almost one month old, restricting their growth a little bit so far because it is still a little too cool to leave them outside and only a small light while they are inside. View attachment 4576262

I potted one of those into a 5 gal and recently moved to flower room. Today I confirmed sex as female , Psyched.

The other I potted to a 7 gal and left outside. Not sure on sex yet.

No trouble with 88g13HP at my little house. Had some Bodhi herms but not from that direction. Bodhi is in the top couple of breeders for me. So what about Snow Lotus daddy stuff?
I had some nanners on most of the Appy crosses I grew when I was first growing inside. I'm pretty sure it was all from operator error because since I've tightened up the environment, I rarely see anything but bud. Seems most of the folks who have "problems", and not just Bodhi problems, are pretty new. Practice makes perfect, eh?

The 88G13HP crosses have been nothing if not stable in my stable.

I've got say, though, I'm not too keen on the Snow Lotus pop, but it's a been a while and I've got some Gojis in the fridge!