bodhi seeds

But they are fake.... lol
They very well could be. Should I empty some Bodhi packs and fill them with random seed and take a pic????? Then put them up for sale because my friend died and and I am selling his seed collection??? Just for a moment think about what I just said!!! I actualy have over 60 packs of Bodhi gear...Soooo... I need $$$ I can simply take all the seeds out of the packs....replace with whatever...and sell them as Bodhi gear to cash in. Hopefully that is not the case here.... But some of you need to think outside the box for real.
Even if there legit id wanna no how old and have they been stored properly.. unless she already answered that...Not to mention if they dont pop how many msgs she would be receiving for her sake i hope they are and you guys get some fire....
Most Bodhi gear is not sold in tamper proof packaging. What’s your point ?

Last time I had this discussion was with my schizophrenic friend that couldn’t buy seeds unless it was from the source after finding out about bulk seed sales and packaging at a weed expo in Toronto. Shaggy is that you??

It would be more likely that the seeds would have been faked at the point of purchase than her going through all of this to sell some fake beans. Also she could have swapped out the beans for fakes but so could any vendor. I don’t believe that she’s trying to ripoff scam or mislead anyone about the beans.
I’m glad you’re positive and so trust worthy of a person you don’t know. But have you ever thought about this. You’re married have over thousands of dollars in Seeds leave home and just leaves them. Your wife that’s as green as a golf course just randomly makes a account on another forum starts selling strains that’s been gone for years for retail. When they have people on IG auctioning off shit that’s being made right now for thousands. Nah to good to be true.
I’m glad you’re positive and so trust worthy of a person you don’t know. But have you ever thought about this. You’re married have over thousands of dollars in Seeds leave home and just leaves them. Your wife that’s as green as a golf course just randomly makes a account on another forum starts selling strains that’s been gone for years for retail. When they have people on IG auctioning off shit that’s being made right now for thousands. Nah to good to be true.
You just said it yourself, green as a golf course. She has no idea seeds are going for that much on ig, probably dosnt care. Disgruntled ex selling off prized possesions for pennies on the dollar is a classic maneuver as well. Seems pretty legit to me from what ive seen. Bodhi and his gear seem to carry good energy with them, im thinking some good bodhi heads scored some good bodhi gear. Lets move on from the negative and hope the people who sent their money in good faith are rewarded:peace:
So every seed pack from b is suspect now.....?
Shit can get deep with this type of talk.
He just said that b packs are easily opened and closed and in this situation where ur not dealing with a reputable seedbank it would be easy to throw random beans in there. It's a valid point.
A valid point thats unfortunately pointless to go around in circles about. People buy them, or dont. They are real or not. They and the seller will be long gone before anybody finds out. Does this really need any more discussion? In the event that this is an elaborate scam, everybody can bitch about how bad they got screwed. We got about 12 weeks +/-. Can we please get back to bodhi bud porn, cool new pops and sweet gear grabs sprinkled with questions and answers about strain specific runs? Please?
A valid point thats unfortunately pointless to go around in circles about. People buy them, or dont. They are real or not. They and the seller will be long gone before anybody finds out. Does this really need any more discussion? In the event that this is an elaborate scam, everybody can bitch about how bad they got screwed. We got about 12 weeks +/-. Can we please get back to bodhi bud porn, cool new pops and sweet gear grabs sprinkled with questions and answers about strain specific runs? Please?
You're responsible for my "more cowbell" purchase today.....hopefully I find a pheno like yours....JB doing single packs for $60 right freebies though
You're responsible for my "more cowbell" purchase today.....hopefully I find a pheno like yours....JB doing single packs for $60 right freebies though
Which one of my phenos!?!? I got 3:bigjoint: told myself id only keep 2. Cant do it! Fwiw, its a buddy hanging onto the third for me though. Everybody ive seen run it seems to get something good with the exception of 1 tester journal i read. Looking at it though, id say operator error.
we don't need to judge peoples, we don't know their stories. please do not take advantage of her, she does not know the value of lots of what she has, offer her fair prices please. thanks. i got topdawg guava 13, stardawg (original packaging, likely first release) og raskalz white fire. some bodhis otw now since they seem so popular.

i have confirmed her story thru 5 year old postings by her husband on other forums, discussing with breeders about some of the packs she had listed. she is genuine and a great person a little down on her luck right now. you'd probably get good karma for helping her, plus wicked genetics.

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Maybe she's the Virgin Mary and her ex is Quasimodo, my point was the seeds aren't hers to sell or weren't intended to be, but enjoy your scores.
Super stoked to hear Gogi does well out door. My only concern is the finishing time... Im thinking i may have to do some light dep tricks to get her to start flowering earlier in the season. Also going to pop some Love dawg (love triangle X appy) so it will be nice to see how the appy affected love triangle.
This could go on forever clogging up this thread with what ifs and this that or the other things.

Enjoyable reading to me....sorry I missed the original posts.

Disgruntled ex selling off prized possesions for pennies on the dollar is a classic maneuver as well. Seems pretty legit to me from what ive seen.

I dunno......if I'm hauling a$$, I grab two things for sure after clothes and money - my dog, and my bean collection. I'm guessing you would, too.

Can we please get back to bodhi bud porn, cool new pops and sweet gear grabs sprinkled with questions and answers about strain specific runs? Please?

Sure, but why squelch the discussion? It's as entertaining as soil mixes, room setups. plant pests, or any number of non-Bodhi specific topics that have wandered in and out of this thread in 5 or 6 years. Just chill, Cletus...smoke some Cowbell - it always gets back to the weed whenever it does, ya know?
Super stoked to hear Gogi does well out door. My only concern is the finishing time... Im thinking i may have to do some light dep tricks to get her to start flowering earlier in the season. Also going to pop some Love dawg (love triangle X appy) so it will be nice to see how the appy affected love triangle.
I don't know where you are located but I live in Maine and goji finishes with weeks to spare I've grown three different phenos outdoors they all finished early October for me, probably the earliest finisher outdoors from any SL or appy cross that I've run.
I don't know where you are located but I live in Maine and goji finishes with weeks to spare I've grown three different phenos outdoors they all finished early October for me, probably the earliest finisher outdoors from any SL or appy cross that I've run.

We are neighbors so that is even better news. How did they handle the humidity. Any rot at all or anything ? Thanks for the info.
We are neighbors so that is even better news. How did they handle the humidity. Any rot at all or anything ? Thanks for the info.
Oh word good to know, it has done solid 2 years ago had a couple like 1/2-3/4 lb plants that had virtually no mold at all, I had a smaller one this year that was maybe 2-3 ounces that had maybe 20% mold but I lost 90% of my fall harvest to mold so it was much better than most.

Just got to Maine full time like a year ago nice to see how many growers there are up here just donated a dude I work with yesterday a full lineup of clones no charge just looking for the hit backs with other good genetics