Looks like one of my Blue Tara's is a definite male, things got definitive male parts in veg. One of my TER's is a male too, for sure. The TER I am really tempted to keep and do a pollen collection on, He's got great structure. First node is 3/4's of the way to the top without any training at all.
I have one Blue Tara that isn't showing at all yet, but I have a TER that has what looks like a pre-flower pistil coming up but no calyx visible yet, this I won't be able to get a picture of as it's really hard to see even on my 30x scope but it's obviously not a plant hair it's got that early pistil look to it, I need to get a macro lens. I will take two clones tomorrow and throw her into flower and see if she shows me a bit more, really can't say enough structurally about these TER's they are great looking. I didn't want to train them at all this first run as I was going to flower early and wanted to see what they would give, working out nicely with the TER's the Blue Tara is going to need a bit longer in the veg. I have a good feeling about that other Blue Tara too, if it hasn't shown yet and looks very similar to the one that has hopefully that's a good sign.
The Blue Tara male is getting chopped down as I don't have room to keep 3 males right now( I have a gsog male I'm going to collect from). I'm concerned enough about trying to collect pollen from two, I don't want contamination. I'm going to feel bad about it though

Maybe I'll grab a clone and keep him around for a bit. Collect from him in 6 months or so. Thinking I may rig up my old two by two tent I got, that way I can clean it between collections which seems like it's going to be pretty key
All in all it was a good morning in the garden

I didn't even drop a dirt clump in my $2 coffee

I'll throw up some pics later, I got some shit to do and I'm already super lazy