bodhi seeds

Instead of keeping mothers, have you guys considered selfing your keeper instead? Kinda makes sense if you have limited space. That's what I'm planning on doing with my Bubba-leaning Sakura. Then I can hunt through the rest of the pack for a male to breed the S1's with.
I've been really thinking about doing this only because CSI talked about the genetic bullshit that can be found in S1s of "favorite cuts". When it comes to breeding, I now feel that selfing is necessary to know what's contained in the females genepool, same as how it matters what's in the males genes.

Have I done it yet? No. But I'm also not a seedmaker selling seeds, so...
Hopefully a few of you in the know can answer a question or three? This temple is one of the fattest cola plants I've seen in a long time. A few week longer flower than most. What is the typical cola on a Snow Temple? Asking because I'm debating building it a styrofoam house and reveging over the winter here. Kinda big commitment. Or are 6" and going dia. normal? Thank you. Damn impressive for here.
The temple I ran years ago had huge main colas, not 6 inch but they were indoor. I’m sure it was from the ww as ssh doesn’t do that. Both my phenos were like that, fairly uniform really.
TY. I have 2 ATM. One is just unusually large for my experience 5x's plant #2. I'll do the work and self it if the sexually oriented among us believe it to be worthwhile.
Also on the topic of personal preference, Granola Funk is super appealing to me as a name. I would totally pass on "Disco Biscuits". Though I'd probably pass on Garfunkle too, while at least showing some interest in "Trash Plant".

The granola funk, secret chief, forest queen... nomenclature is pretty cool. :peace::hug:
And I had some great memories of disco biscuits. Chocolate chip, H bomb... The past was fun.
Smoking the harvest. Here's how it went down:
DLA6 is cedar. Sit down for a bit. Heavy eyes.
OM4 is bit-O-honey candy. Kind of peanut butter like if you've never had that. Smelled amazing blooming. Uplifting yet slowing high.
Lazy Lightning is herbal, slightly lemony? Pretty heady high.
Black Raspberry is herbal tasting. No identifiable scent growing, but in the jar it settled to a real black raspberry fruit smell.
I only had 1 of each. OM4 and Lazy Lightning are the pair I'm smoking most. The DLA6 is pretty good too. I'm catching more naps and staying up all night, so...
I'm ready to grow the rest out, and know where I'm starting.
Seeding took too. Some strays with mystery dads. Gravity more than wind by the looks of things. Selected branches on separate sides just in case of this. So, here's to the future.
Thanks again to everyone involved. These didn't just show up at my door. I appreciate being part of the cycle. Love to all of us.
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Howdy! Been a minute since I have been on. Lots of pages to go through! Still working on the new flower room (slow and steady). Mixing dirt for the 4x8 and get beds filled tomorrow, using old dirt in my 4x4 bed.... I have planted direct into coots mix with no ill effect but prefer not to but will have to this run in the 4x8. To keep it 100% bodhi ill include a pretty dla10 female going to flower soon!

Dla10 1 of 2 pheno.

4x4 bed area
4x8 bed area

I'll get better pics when all construction related shit is cleaned up. Hunting for keepers as of this run but in future I'd like to only be running 2 in 4x4 and 4 in 4x8 and run em big! With me luck!

Hope you all are still well and safe! Happy growing!

Edit: over my 4x4 is (2) cmh 315. Any opinion on running them the same way vs opposite to each other? Same way and center bed under them OR opposite and centered? Thanks for an opinion if you have tried both!
Took down the last of the PNWHP x SSDD testers I ran last night. Will work on a report before too long (I've been taking them down here and there for the last few weeks, already have two dried and in containers). Started 11, one keeled over and died within the first month and one went all weird. Six out of the 10 who pulled through were girls, including the weirdo. One thing I noticed was that bugs seem to love these plants, to the point that there wouldn't be many on other plants in the same field, but these were leafhopper-magnets. On the other hand, they did better than other adjacent plants on the budrot front, perhaps in part because of the structure.
Space monkeys flipped to flower a couple of days ago. Out of my 12 pack 1 didn't pop, 4 for some reason didn't sprout after popping, but I still wound up with 5 females luckily. These will get a clean up in a few days and then another major clean up after the 3 week mark. Really looking forward to seeing how these gals turn out.

Just like on my previous strawberry goji run... #4 on the front left is a super vigorous plant...

Space monkeys flipped to flower a couple of days ago. Out of my 12 pack 1 didn't pop, 4 for some reason didn't sprout after popping, but I still wound up with 5 females luckily. These will get a clean up in a few days and then another major clean up after the 3 week mark. Really looking forward to seeing how these gals turn out.

Just like on my previous strawberry goji run... #4 on the front left is a super vigorous plant...

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Them some stalks! I'm not a hydro or flood and drain type these days but those look fantastic. Very nice job.
Topped 4 Starflight Guava in veg.

3 Guava Wookie at 16 days stretching/growing and require daily training to maintain canopy. Vigorous and making buds fast for this early.

Hit my big Black Triangle with Space Monkey x Sleeskunk yesterday. Very early heavy frost here.

Lemon Wookie v2 has been powerful and carries the lemon taste straight through. Good producer, have 3 seedlings of Lemon Hashplant v2 for a follow up.