bodhi seeds

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
Thats why you give them a way with a warning that they are not tested and grow at your own risk.

Give away a couple hundred and let others help you with your research. Should help you get the bigger picture much faster. Thats what Im going to do with my next breeding project.
You know, I'll read over some of the crosses people are making just to see what people are excited about, but I've never been a flag waver trying to get some free 'tester' beans everytime someone announces some. There's more than enough companies doing that work that I'm already interested in, and I'm happy to pay for their good efforts.

With that in mind, take this as a compliment - not a solicitation: it's clear that you have a very exacting preference in your extremely defined sense of what you're looking for. That, and a shared sense of buzzkill, would make me curious to share a joint of whatever you produce.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
You know, I'll read over some of the crosses people are making just to see what people are excited about, but I've never been a flag waver trying to get some free 'tester' beans everytime someone announces some. There's more than enough companies doing that work that I'm already interested in, and I'm happy to pay for their good efforts.

With that in mind, take this as a compliment - not a solicitation: it's clear that you have a very exacting preference in your extremely defined sense of what you're looking for. That, and a shared sense of buzzkill, would make me curious to share a joint of whatever you produce.:bigjoint:
I am the same. The only thing I would "test" would be a cross that I would buy. A free seed is birdseed if you don't have passion for the parents.


Well-Known Member
I'm still real new at this :) All the mystery and intrigue of these famous strains :) I'll try pretty much anything unless it has horrible reviews. But my wants far exceed what I can actually grow :) I've spent way to much this past year on genetics.

Pepe le skunk

Well-Known Member
Lookin nice Pepe! I've got a couple on deck that will be flipped to flower in a few weeks. Be sure to Check back in and let me know how she smokes....bongsmilie
Will do. She is mighty frosty, smelling great and ready for the chop. In a few days anyway. GG4 smokes really well and the high is strong and long lasting. If anyone is running the auruba love to see progress of her. The Alaskan TF cross and Dank Sanatra are two other bodhi's i'd like to try. Along with Goji. All seem to have high makes.


Active Member
Any ideas on a Goji OG issue?

I ran my selected mother - 1st clone generation. I let them go a full ten weeks, some 74 days.

I was a little bummed to realize that they had gotten mildly seeded. Very immature seeds, none even close to maturity. But I'm wondering what went wrong. No other plant got knocked up despite being all mixed in with gojis. I have never seen a male flower, even looking really, really hard with a lens. There were no seeds in the initial (seed) grow.

I figure it must have happened after week nine (which is about when I cut the seed/mother) but cannot figure out why I did not notice it happening. My planned solution in the short term is to cut them around day 65. In the long term I will probably crack the rest of the beans and search for another.

Anybody Have any thoughs?
Had the same same with my goji . Very small seeds I wish I knew ....


Well-Known Member
Ok guys, please don't freak out...

So I'm looking for some advice on bodhi pick n mix... I hate to say it but something about putting all my eggs in one basket (growing 6-10 seeds of one strain) doesn't sit right with me after I've been burnt with other strains.

So I'm looking for herbies pick n mix recommendation, or something similar since they're sold out.

And a recommendation for an in stock strain.

Keep in mind I'm concerned with overall yield. bag appeal and taste are huge with me... currently I don't have anything that tastes amazing. Basically asking for the impossible I'm sure.

If it matters I grow soil (5gal smart pots) about 5'6/6' trees... using h&g nutes with sea green, protek, and greatwhite for the most part.

... I tried the goji as a freebie, good taste/smell... but small nugs with a leafy look even after a good trim(I pride myself on a real tight trim)... Not to mention 4 chunky nugs on a branch are easier to trim than 6-8 small guys

Thanks... Basically since I can't get pickn mix what's attitude got in stock that I should jump on to get the synergy (is it worth getting)

Fuck I'm high. Sorry for the rambling ha

...Oh and out of 100 point scale I'd rather have a plant that scores 92 with a large yield than a 98 with a small yield ha
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Well-Known Member
Most phenotypes are bushy sativa, I'm just starting 2nd week of flower.
I've got 1/4 female that is a bean pole, but it has HUGE fan leaves.

I got 4/5 females, so that was nice.
I also noticed it wasn't restocked when the new strains were @ beansman.


Well-Known Member
That's my question to you aswell^

I just got my Blockhead Bx from the bean fairy.
Skylotus + SSDD are now on their way to me.
OOH That's what I'm lookin at next :) really don't need anymore beans but the Blockhead looks nice and free Goji beans doesn't sound bad either :) I'll have to watch beansman

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
Ok guys, please don't freak out...

So I'm looking for some advice on bodhi pick n mix... I hate to say it but something about putting all my eggs in one basket (growing 6-10 seeds of one strain) doesn't sit right with me after I've been burnt with other strains.
I agree. But then, I'm not a pheno hunter, so I understand those that go for big packs.

But while some people are concerned about SSDD [for instance] selling out, I've ran/running five out of eleven, so the remaining 6 will likely make for fine trade chips should that day ever happen. Same for Blood Orange and BBH most likely, especially since I found a BO mom to run a few times.

But to your question, after buying three eleven packs [Goji, then SSDD and BO to get a free eleven pack of BBH], I decided to use TSSC to grab some samples of some others. 5 ATF, and 3 ea of Ancient OG and Solos Stash. I'll probably grab 3 -5 Pagoda at some point if I read some good reviews. Fitting them in a run schedule is the problem.

There is likely much good smoke in beans I just haven't been able to get to - it's taken two years to finally get back and pop 3 Chuckys Bride, which is in a group of 3 Solos Stash and 2 GDP Phantom Cookies to veg, clone, and toss out back the end of July to sex. So, I dig where you're coming from. 5 packs would suit my situation better than accumulating dust on the extras.


Well-Known Member
Amos, that is why I am running only a few beans at a time. Now the downside to this is I'm getting a limited amount of females and not necessarily identifying similarities, and differences. I am attempting to save half a pack or so for down the road, have a larger space and can keep more plants. Nice thing is at least I get to cycle through a bunch of good gear. Plus there is always more breeders and more beans to try at the same time

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
Amos, that is why I am running only a few beans at a time. Now the downside to this is I'm getting a limited amount of females and not necessarily identifying similarities, and differences. I am attempting to save half a pack or so for down the road, have a larger space and can keep more plants. Nice thing is at least I get to cycle through a bunch of good gear. Plus there is always more breeders and more beans to try at the same time
Yeah, it's endless, with what's to purchase, what you can clone, and what you can cross if you want. That - and space and need - is why it's rare that I run the same strain more than twice in a row. Adventure and variety are big factors in my enjoyment of our hobby.


Well-Known Member
Hey there folks... help me here... I'm looking for a Bodhi strain, gotta have plenty of bag appeal, stay under 18", have huge nugs that are sugar coated, and finish in 2 weeks... ha, ha, ha!

Naaaah, lol! Except for 2 Goji freebies that both ended up male, I'm on my 1st real Bodhi run: 10 Appalachian Thunderfucks and 2 Sunshine Daydreams.

Out of an 11 pk of ATF's, 4 showed male, 6 female, and 1 dud. I've got 4 of the ladies in a 34"x34" scrog over a soiless bed, under a horizontal 400W CMH in an old Super Sun reflector. The other 2 gals are flowering around a Vertical double stack with a 400W CMH and a 400W Super Blue MH.

The scrog is 32 days into flower.HPIM4947.jpg HPIM4948.jpg HPIM4943.jpg

Right around 21 days into flower, I started seeing a few nanners:


These 2 have been flipped for just about 2 weeks, nothing but pistils here, so far.


I spritz the whole screen with water a couple of times/day, and a few seeds are always a bonus to me... newly appearing nanners seem to have slowed, but I'm wondering if I should be worried?

I'm also seeing what looks like 3 distinct phenos, and possibly 5... does anyone have a handle on what to look for as far as keepers?

I'd appreciate any ATF info, or nudges towards info... seems to be a pretty large Bodhi contingency here!

Also, the SSDD's have been up for 54 days, and still have not shown any pre-flowers. The ATF's took 45 days... are the SSDD's just that much slower, or should I be consideing a change in tactics?HPIM4989.jpg HPIM4987.jpg ?
