Do you guys have any tips on popping old seeds? I have a bunch of seeds that are about 5-8 years old and am having bad luck getting them to pop. The seeds have been in a safe, dry, air conditioned (sub 75) since I've had them. Normally I haven't had this much trouble lol
This is Bad Dawg
I skuff all my seeds. I rap the in side of a pill bodle with 100 grit sand paper. I them put the seeds in the container and shake them until I can see a seam all the way around the seed.
I do this because the less energy the seed has to spend getting out of the shell the more energy it has to get started. I then soak the seeds in water for about 24 hours. I like to see a tail, but some seed don't pop a tail for several days.
I use tap water. But I have lived in the same house for 37 years and plants love my well water. I prefer to go right into dirt. I use my own organic dirt mix, and make it lighter than normal for the seeds,
I use to use Organicare, but they sold out this year to Monsanto. So I am using Green Gro organic. I have used a little of their gear last year and was very happy. And the out door garden is loving it so far this year.
Some times I use a rooting cube ,but the cube is still put into a dirt pot that time.
I do this on older seeds (rare) so I can easily ck the seed. If they do not pop I will crack them with my finger nails.
They go right under either a T5 or a 400 watt MH. With a fan on them (a a low speed) from before the pop up. That all makes for great steams and stout plants.
I have also made this to pop 30 year old seeds. It is a air pump,a air stone and a metal screen. The seeds are constantly getting floated around in water full of oxygen. The last pick shows what came out. The stalks are very rigid ready to plant.
Let me know how they make out. Thanks BD