Nutbag Poster
Well-Known Member
The snow lotus definetly made the goji and LT sticky vigorous and with a fruity smell to them. The LT was the better of the 2 but it was a sativa leaner that foxtailed like nuts and had very airy frosty buds. Good sativa hybtid buzz to it and this was the creamy pheno .Needed support and was a bitch to trim but otherwise it was fantastic smoke. The Nikah is definetly a stronger cross with the TK as mantis mentioned and i really need to have a plan or it does get a bit edgy for me Nika is much easier to grow with no support needed and a breeze to trim. The omg male definetly has a fruity greasy sativa thing to as I ran the dreadbread and they looked and smelled similar. The bbhp was nice but kind of a strange high for me with the jungle spice winning that battle . Both are indestructible strong and just cruise along no matter what . Kinda of a weird mix of highs for me the sativa g13 crosses but the jungle spice is a relaxing sativa high if that makes sense. My favorite smoke currently is the sweet onion Lucky wookie ugly pheno. Very heady sativa buzz with no paranoia that's a great motivating smoke.. Allright im rambling so I hope that helps
Thanks for adding your info on the g13hp vs. OMG vs. Snow Lotus! That's cool that both you and The Mantis have compared LT to Nikah. This has been great, I've got a better feel for how to choose the male when a mom's gotten slutty with all of them.