Some pictures...
First pic, from top (furthest away), left to right, down- pinesoul/orgtron, strawberry ss, strawberry ss... Ssh/pu, pinesoul/orgastron, strawberry ss... Ssh/pu, ssh/pu, sd/vortex(d.diamond), sd/vortex.
Second pic is ssh/pu, pinesoul/orgasmatron, and a nl/haze in the back.
3rd pic is pinesoul/orgasmatron. The red stem is a definig trait- 5 out of 7 have it. Out of 7, 4 are females, 2 males, and 1 still to be determined.
4th pic is a SSH/PU. 6 out of 7 are females.
5th pic is the sole pu male.
6th is one more Strawberry Sunshine.
7th is a close up on a pinesoul/orgasmatron. This is as far along as any.
8th is some males before getting the chop.
All are being grown in an untested mix of 6ft black gold organic potting mix, 2ft coco, 4ft perlite, 4ft peat moss, 2ft earthworm castings, 1ft cotton burr compost, .75ft organic cow manure compost, .75ft mushroom compost, and ammended with a calculated measure of dolomite, greensand, seabird guano, epsom salt, crustacean meal, neem cake, basalt, kelpmeal, gypsum, oyster flour, karanja cake.
In 5 gallon buckets and a couple of bins for easy movability. (Ran out of dirt, so they aren't filled to the top)
Although they look healthy now, there was a delay earlier. it is around day 50... not used to them not being trees by now...