Well-Known Member
It is really funny what people want to come on here and bash Bodhi for.
Polyhybrid crosses having stress related intersex tendencies seems pretty fucking obvious to even my basic bitch amateur ass.
Leafy? Haze? Must be a shitty strain and a shitty grow! GTF outta here with that shit. Silver Lotus is powerful medicine. Original gatorade pheno is like weederall. 10 wks, gorgeous structure. Really, really nice hash.
I was trying to figure out what the different Afghanis in DLA are and re-listened to the Potcast with Bodhi. He is super into vibes and energy and it seems like all the people who are having bad experiences are probably just getting their shit thrown back in their faces by the plants, just like they are by posting dumb shit in this thread.
Re loudest strains give the wookies a lookie. Some go to 11 for sure.
Stay lifted!
those bodhi episodes are great. He is an amazing guy, I could listen to him talk all day. and I'm about as far from a hippy type as you can get. He's just such a positive person.