Well-Known Member
And b/c I'm that MF'er...
First, lets quickly dispatch this "Butterscotch in Bodhi male" talk here with posts from NdN or under n8tivefarmer:
"we call it Ghash for short," (<---here he is referring to 88 g13/hp b/c he is complimenting a plant in thread titled "88 g13/hp) quote cont'd..."mota and Bodhi both have made hybrids with this plant
The purple phenol is the first cross I made from the 88G13/HP" (<--here he is referring to Ghash) quote cont'd..."was crossed to a Butterscotch Hawiian."
"we crossed the G13/HP to swampys Butterscotch Hawaiin we split the F1's and swampy worked on his and soon called it Free leonard for Pellitier who he supported to get out of prison I just carried the name G13/Butterscotch Hawaiin" (3)
88 g13/hp x BSH

Here is 88 g13/hp (Ghash) pheno different than Ghash purple pheno used in BSH cross

NdN says Bodhi using Ghash/88 g13/hp right back there.
As @coolkid.02 tried to point out, that WHOLE first post by Spidey was totally in reference to a Cross made between NdN and Swampy.
I dont think anyone has denied that Bodhi got the 88 g13/hp from NdN... So, all we have to do is follow the chain of custody...
From NdN:
"The G13/Hp used in the original cross was sourced from 1987-88 seeds from the seedbank when Neville crossed the clone before it died." (2)
From Nevil:
"G13 and Hash Plant were cuttings. I crossed HP to NL1, which was the strongest indica I've ener smoked and I put males from this to G13.
It was labeled HP1.G13. People have assumed that this was a straight HPxG13 cross, but this was not the case. " (4)

^^^ (5)
So, as you can see, it is:
88 g13/hp = G13 (female) x HP/NL1 (male)
I think what @coolkid.02 was trying to show is that the weight of evidence goes against there being any Butterscotch in Bodhi's male.Are we just trying to determine if bodhis hp has butterscotch in it or not? I feel like that was established.
First, lets quickly dispatch this "Butterscotch in Bodhi male" talk here with posts from NdN or under n8tivefarmer:
"we call it Ghash for short," (<---here he is referring to 88 g13/hp b/c he is complimenting a plant in thread titled "88 g13/hp) quote cont'd..."mota and Bodhi both have made hybrids with this plant
The purple phenol is the first cross I made from the 88G13/HP" (<--here he is referring to Ghash) quote cont'd..."was crossed to a Butterscotch Hawiian."
"we crossed the G13/HP to swampys Butterscotch Hawaiin we split the F1's and swampy worked on his and soon called it Free leonard for Pellitier who he supported to get out of prison I just carried the name G13/Butterscotch Hawaiin" (3)
88 g13/hp x BSH

Here is 88 g13/hp (Ghash) pheno different than Ghash purple pheno used in BSH cross

NdN says Bodhi using Ghash/88 g13/hp right back there.
As @coolkid.02 tried to point out, that WHOLE first post by Spidey was totally in reference to a Cross made between NdN and Swampy.
I dont think anyone has denied that Bodhi got the 88 g13/hp from NdN... So, all we have to do is follow the chain of custody...
From NdN:
"The G13/Hp used in the original cross was sourced from 1987-88 seeds from the seedbank when Neville crossed the clone before it died." (2)
From Nevil:
"G13 and Hash Plant were cuttings. I crossed HP to NL1, which was the strongest indica I've ener smoked and I put males from this to G13.
It was labeled HP1.G13. People have assumed that this was a straight HPxG13 cross, but this was not the case. " (4)

^^^ (5)
So, as you can see, it is:
88 g13/hp = G13 (female) x HP/NL1 (male)