bodhi seeds

@Amos Otis. You're right there are no guarantees you will get what you want out of a single seed, a whole pack, or even multiple packs. Are you meaning to insinuate that I'm an idiot? I think you're being kind of overly defensive.
Good points. Lewis seems like a good guy, and I'd be shocked to find out that he's *knowingly* scamming folks, but he can't be everywhere at one time, and who's to say that the cats he has sorting beans are as honest as he is.

Bottom line: if you order a pack, you should get an unopened pack that hasn't been messed with.
I like what @D_Urbmon said about those protectors. If their was 1 thing mr.c got right it was using that as stealth plus they don't break easy.

In other bodhi news. Shoe delivered as always. Got my Nerola 91 and dream beaver, along with the Katsu x 88 g13hp. Funny thing is he said he was gonna ship it today because he was busy, but I guess he made it to the post office on saturday. Pleasant surprise to say the least.
To be fair about the amount of seeds in a pack being regulated at all, whether or not it's straight from the breeder or from a Seedbank. Just got to counting these beans hso sent me as a replacement for the bad pack I Recieved and I noticed something interesting about this mango sapphire "10" pack.

I'm not complaining because they're free beans, just thought it was funny and relevant to the people who were taking about getting exactly 11 beans in a Bodhi pack. Sometimes they mess up in your favor and you get extra beans. Other times, this happens lol.

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You guys sure make me feel old...I send cash like a cave man...but since cash is king, you can negotiate pretty solid deals I *MIGHT* even get a free couch to crash on and a steak dinner too...and of course by sending cash I mean "researching a fictional novel that I could or could not be writing at this time"

Well...down to 4 goji's, 4 got flooded out in the garden when my dog decided to get curious and explore everything, and somehow he turned a feed line on and well....(tis what I get for sticking them in my coco room) shit happens right? still lots of packs to pop :)

SSDD's taken down to 60 in the temporary veg tent, moved a bunch of the runts and twisted growth out to isolation...(these are usually the ones when my cousins say, "hey you have any clones or seeds, I refuse to buy my own gear, and I need to mooch free shit that I'm selling for retail prices") for the record, I've probably given them a few hundo and haven't regretted it yet, they do sometimes though and still never learn a lesson....i think its a fair assumption that we all have these people in our circles in some way shape or form..

Since my dog made some room for me, I think I'll pop another pack of something...who knows....probably blueberry snow, save the rest of the goji for the F2'ing...maybe I'll get lucky and hit what I want out of those 4 goji...

And now the thing that has me most excited....he's getting dropped off today...lets not tell the old lady! (and now I have to find him a woman or 7) :D

Crooksville , OH 43731
Number of Head:
Double Bred Ohlde Angus , grass fed genetics



3 different excuses as to why our packs have been opened:

#1 applies to @HALIFIRE
#2 meant for @akhiymjames
#3 to explain my opened pack.

My opened pack arrived in January of this year and I kept my mouth shut until I saw that @HALIFIRE had packs that had been opened and was asking if any others knew what was up.

Now, @Midweek Song , I have not said, nor am I now saying, that you are ripping us off; however, when I ordered an 11 pack (which is understood to be full pack) of Bodhi: TE remix v2 and it had been opened and re-taped, then at the very least you took one thing from ME: my excitement.

Yup. Simple as that, my Bodhi experience was tainted. Now, if I do a breeding project w this pack, then should I include an asterisk?

TE Remix V2*
*Pack was opened but MWS says it's legit.

Let's say all of your explanations of opened packs are truthful. Then, with the inclusion of your "crushed seeds" excuse, you should, at a bare minimum, have on your website a very visible DISCLAIMER: EVERY BODHI PACK OPENED BY US.

Additionally, let's say I want to resell my pack to someone else at some point. When they receive their pack from me and are like "WTF, it's been opened and re-taped!" I should just be able to say "No worries, Lewis said it's legit!"

I, along with @HALIFIRE , paid extra for Stealth/Insurance and my pack arrived in a container that was already crush that seems strange to me you'd take time to repackage every Bodhi pack when it would be unnecessary/redundant for customers who get stealth shipping.

@Amos Otis How is this analogy: It is like they are opening up our baseball card packs, and how do I know they haven't removed Ken Griffey Jr. and replaced with Mackey Sasser?!!

Further, Amos, I believe that if Bonza had came here and explained your snafu as eloquently as Lewis here did...I would have totally bought their ONE explanation over MWS' s THREE excuses/explanations. But that's just me.

Hi Guys,

@Shastafarian got 12 back in October 2015.

Totally agree with what you guys say. It isn't best practice to send any full packs that have been opened and we appreciate your feedback. From this day forward we will never send an opened full pack to any customer.

Thanks for your feedback

Midweek Song