bodhi seeds

or maybe they got caught???
funny, the answer they gave me eagle eye, it's my computer... something is wrong with your computer...
its been 4 months since ordering from there...
i know peeps had to of ordered lucky charms within those 4months and they still show 2 in stock? even al bought some...
guess they got small glitches on plenty of items...
Who said it was your computer? What other glitches are you seeing? Are site is up to date and sometimes you have to refresh your page a few times.
Bonza Seeds mail update, per this AM, plus a recap:

Me: "
Why does your inventory still show 2 Lucky Charms available after my purchase?"

Bonza: "
Seems your eagle eyes spotted a small glitch - your goods have now been shipped and the inventory has followed suit.

Warmest Regards,


Me: "
Your answer does not explain why 4 of these were sold when only 2 were shown in stock.
The other 2 were bought by another Roll IT Up member - see Bodhi thread last 4 pages."

Bonza [ this AM]: "
Are you accusing us of something here?

Warmest Regards,


Me [just now}: "
No....I'm asking you to explain why you sold 4 beans when only two were shown in inventory, and why your inventory remained at 2 until I sent you my 'eagle eyes' report. If you want to look at accusations against you, look at the recent posts in the Bodhi Seeds thread on RollItUp.

By the way - Bonza is a RIU sponsor, so why not reply to ALL of US on the Bodhi thread and clear up this situation. Your reputation suffers greatly. Warmest regards."
So the question here is Why 4 of these were sold when only 2 were shown in stock, correct? The answer to this, as an IT consultant also, is that there is a lot of detail in a database and when it connects with the website, it may have a lag time in getting updated. Is this your first experience ever with something like this? What I'm saying is, have you been on a site before, say buying concert tickets and it says there are 4 tickets, but then all of a sudden it says two but then somehow 4 were sold. This type of stuff happens all the time in merchant transactions. We have a high volume of people purchasing all the time so yes, it may look strange sometimes. This is with all merchants, be it amazon, ebay, etc. The good thing is that you can verify it by contacting us directly through live chat to make sure of the actual quantity. Now, is it bad that this happens, yes absolutely and we are working to make it a more up to date process.

Have you had good or bad experiences with other seed banks? Or did they have some problems. I'm not trying to excuse your complaint here but if you had an issue, you should have filed a complaint order:
I've ordered from many many banks and frankly I wouldn't recommend The Attitude to my worst enemy... I like their customer service better than Bonza's... Ouch.

Honestly I knew this would happen so that is why I ordered the two beans that I knew had already been claimed on your site... So that I could prove that you work for a shady company that cares nothing for anything over profit.

If you need to be brought up to speed one more time, here goes:

there was talk of lucky charms available on your site. Rare.
an individual stated that they were only able to buy two, so that they were probably all gone...
Curious, I added two to my cart and was able to purchase them..
Said individual said that there purchase was shipped already..
I waited a couple of days and nothing. So I asked for a refund and stated that I thought there was a stock issue and I only wanted the lucky charms and NOTHING ELSE.
I was told it was too late and them immediately my status was changed to shipped... Three weeks later the package came.. It could have been handled differently up to this point, but wait there is more!

The original purchaser of the first two LC beans stated that the Bonza rep confirmed that the last two beans were sent to him.... So what did I receive then?

Answer this simple question at the end with a simple answer and don't include any of your feelings and opinions please.. Only FACTS.

I'm waiting.... Still...
I've ordered from many many banks and frankly I wouldn't recommend The Attitude to my worst enemy... I like their customer service better than Bonza's... Ouch.

Honestly I knew this would happen so that is why I ordered the two beans that I knew had already been claimed on your site... So that I could prove that you work for a shady company that cares nothing for anything over profit.

If you need to be brought up to speed one more time, here goes:

there was talk of lucky charms available on your site. Rare.
an individual stated that they were only able to buy two, so that they were probably all gone...
Curious, I added two to my cart and was able to purchase them..
Said individual said that there purchase was shipped already..
I waited a couple of days and nothing. So I asked for a refund and stated that I thought there was a stock issue and I only wanted the lucky charms and NOTHING ELSE.
I was told it was too late and them immediately my status was changed to shipped... Three weeks later the package came.. It could have been handled differently up to this point, but wait there is more!

The original purchaser of the first two LC beans stated that the Bonza rep confirmed that the last two beans were sent to him.... So what did I receive then?

Answer this simple question at the end with a simple answer and don't include any of your feelings and opinions please.. Only FACTS.

I'm waiting.... Still...
I would like to see both of your receipts and emails so I have all THE FACTS.
Yea I don't think he had a wife and kids like I do lol. But tbh I could do more I choose not to. I don't trust people so I'm not trying to get to know new people on a level like that so I stay to myself. Yea I know people and could do stuff but the fam and garden is what's important right now. Me and Mrs do stuff tho so I'm good and I hang with bro in law too. I don't drink anymore either so no getting wasted lol plus I wouldn't get too wasted if I did 3 month old baby doesn't care how you feel lol

Man I would've died if my wife drank a few beans :lol: I can see her tripping now.
Aye, we sound very similar as well, except for the drinking, I brew my own beer so its extremely hard to stay away from... I definitely don't drink to the point of hangover ever tho... Only cat I hang with is the brother in law too. Haha.
Aye, we sound very similar as well, except for the drinking, I brew my own beer so its extremely hard to stay away from... I definitely don't drink to the point of hangover ever tho... Only cat I hang with is the brother in law too. Haha.

I love my beer tho can't take that away from me. Cold one of those every night, liquor is on special occasions but haha weird how we pretty much live the same life lol. I see the Bonza rep is here lol. I def wanna see how this plays out
Aye, we sound very similar as well, except for the drinking, I brew my own beer so its extremely hard to stay away from... I definitely don't drink to the point of hangover ever tho... Only cat I hang with is the brother in law too. Haha.

We're all a bunch of pot growing hermits in this thread lol. I'm the same way, only person I'd call an actual friend is my brother and I just chill with my pets and family. I hardly ever drink, like maybe a couple six packs a year at the most. That chocolate oatmeal stout you were posting pictures of did make me want to grab some though.
Why not for customer service purposes assume I am telling the FACTS, its not like I have asked for anything other than an explanation.. I don't want my money back and I sure as shit don't want any more packages from you guys... You suck at this Dave...
I'm not saying your lying. I'm saying I need to see it. Also, like to see the package. This is what people do. If I have a problem with a product, I show them. If you don't have anything, then it tears down your credibility. I'm just saying and being truthful here.

We're all a bunch of pot growing hermits in this thread lol. I'm the same way, only person I'd call an actual friend is my brother and I just chill with my pets and family. I hardly ever drink, like maybe a couple six packs a year at the most. That chocolate oatmeal stout you were posting pictures of did make me want to grab some though.
That one was gooood bruh!