Bob Marley family teams up with Tilray

Great! I can smoke my Marley marijuana I rolled in my Marley roller and lit with my Marley lighter while drinking my Marley coffee and wearing my Marley shirt! His family has been selling out his legacy for years, doesn't surprise me at all.
"But Kennedy sees no reason for worry. He used to think Bob Marley was a drag on the pot industry, a Cheech-like stoner whose audience was limited to college kids in duct-taped bean bag chairs."

what a douchebag. hate how people like this are coming in and taking over, profiting off us 'cheech and chong stupid stoners' decades long fight bugs me so much.
if it wasn't for cheech and chong stoners.. you wouldn't be building the empire you are today. this herb would still be illegal you ungrateful dumb ^$%.

how much good people have lost in this stupid "war", and these losers come in now and reep all the spoils? man that eats at me.
"But Kennedy sees no reason for worry. He used to think Bob Marley was a drag on the pot industry, a Cheech-like stoner whose audience was limited to college kids in duct-taped bean bag chairs."

what a douchebag. hate how people like this are coming in and taking over, profiting off us 'cheech and chong stupid stoners' decades long fight bugs me so much.
if it wasn't for cheech and chong stoners.. you wouldn't be building the empire you are today. this herb would still be illegal you ungrateful dumb ^$%.

how much good people have lost in this stupid "war", and these losers come in now and reep all the spoils? man that eats at me.
Simple don't buy lp meds. If it isn't profitable they can't keep going for ever. If you have bought lp meds file a lawsuit aginst them. Make them spend money. How can they sell you meds with the canibinoid profile on the packaging? It's not all the same % and the fact they mark them as such is misleading at best fraud a worst.
Really though for you smart enough not to vase your med purchase on what a dead reggae singer endorses this sjouldnt matter much.
Though I will agree its a shame they sold his name to them but as someone else pointed out they have put his name on anything they can sell for a profit. My .02 they would have been better served getting a living stoners endorsement, like wiz khifa or something cus that dude will sell his name for carrots and peas, not that I want to see lps make money but this is a cheap effort to stir up support. Well this american is done ranting in the canadian section, just wanted to share my thoughts on what I do consider a injustice to his memory.
Just watch out not to get scammed in the BM because they want to profit without giving any consideration about your medical condition. CCs all the way ! Cheaper too!

If you are dealing with on the corner of Surrey Central dime bag dealers yah what do you expect. If you deal with normal dealers its in their best interest to have the best they can get other wise they wont last long. Either way both CC or BM are overpriced.
If you are dealing with on the corner of Surrey Central dime bag dealers yah what do you expect. If you deal with normal dealers its in their best interest to have the best they can get other wise they wont last long. Either way both CC or BM are overpriced.
Bm dealers are by and large business oriented. Meaning they want your repeat business. It doesn't pay for them to rob you or sell shwag weed. It also helps if you know your dealer on a personal basis. Deal with thugs and you'll regret it.
BM's are "the business" and what the LP's should learn from. Our Government,' they'll never understand what real business is all about.
The MJ industry has been run awesomely for as long as I can remember. It's what taught many what business is all about. A hot commodity is jut that. It makes cash!
Prices have not gone up ???? by comparison to other businesses over the same time? NOPE!
What business do you know like this one?
If yall, look at any of the ship the Marley family has done since his passing you'd see that they have been blatantly disrespecting his legacy since the day he died. Even his final resting place is a tourist trap for white folks, but hey a friend has got to eat.