Bob Bitchen's buds


Well-Known Member
Hi what is the combo mix for that? I DO have preflowers size of pinkie nail. nothing hard. Will oils burn that?

Im not the one to ask, I nuked what I didn't toss & burned/stunted the few I kept. If I was to do it again, for me, I'd toss everything affected and start over, just me though, not a cash cropper, so it doesn't hurt to bad, in hindsight , I'd rather wait for healthy plants, than try and fix unhealthy ones.
good luck,


Well-Known Member
in my outty they are in my soil. 15,000 gallons of empire soil amended for 10 years is not an option to toss out.
I CANT BELIEVE they came back with repeated avid/conserve/nukem/forbid/tetrasan in rotation in veg!

Absoutley after the 18 day forbid kill they were like tourists on a beach, actually the russets looked healthy and had perfect health.
They had little beach balls and tiny corona bottles and little umbrellas.

New rotation Conscerve/Nukem/
VENERATE XC advanced bioinsecticides green cleaner every 3 days.
