BN LINK Short period- Certain Outlets work?


Well-Known Member
Just got this BN link Short period cycle timer.

Using it to time my aero cloner, but evidently none of the outlets in my veg room, the BN link works on..

Will work in my flower room, except one plug in. Work in my kitchen and living room
but not the bathroom.

Some outlets the green light turns right on, others nothing happens. Even if i set it 24 Hour, do the minimum, plug it in, wind then to maximum and nothing.

Any one have any ideas?

I know it sounds kind of dumb, but have you put a piece of duct tape over the light sensor to make sure it's not the issue?
I know it sounds kind of dumb, but have you put a piece of duct tape over the light sensor to make sure it's not the issue?

I have not. ... Hmmm

Edit;Did not seem to make a difference.

Ugh frustrating
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Well you may wish to check your receptacle to make sure the neutral and hot aren't switched.

They make cheap little plugin detectors, or if you have a multimeter you should read 120v from the small slot on the receptacle to the ground. If you read 120v from the big slot to ground then it's wired backwards.
Well you may wish to check your receptacle to make sure the neutral and hot aren't switched.

They make cheap little plugin detectors, or if you have a multimeter you should read 120v from the small slot on the receptacle to the ground. If you read 120v from the big slot to ground then it's wired backwards.
If true, it would also mean that the outlets that the switch WAS working on are either wired backwards, and/or without the common wire connected
If true, it would also mean that the outlets that the switch WAS working on are either wired backwards
No it would indicate that the receptacles it was working on were wired correctly and the one receptacle that it wasn't working on was wired incorrectly.

It is rare for a device to act like this as alternating current really has no polarity, but some devices are wired with internal protection that prevents them from working if the power source has voltage from neutral to ground.