BMO, BioBizz, or FF?


Well-Known Member
so i have the entire fox farm line up from years ago, and have been using blue mountain organics. have had some yellow new growth and yellowish spots pretty much always. i use tap water sat out for 24hrs, but i do Not ph. do i need a cal mag supp? bio bizz? ff? what should i do?!


First you need to identify what seems to be a deficiency. Yellowing and yellow spots are a sure sign that you are lacking something. Could be Fe, Mg, Mn, N or K, but you will only know by comparing yours to others you can probably find online. After you figure out the deficiency, then you need to check you guaranteed analysis on your current nutrient and find something that will give it the boost it needs. If you are deficient in one of your micronutrients (Mg, Mn, Fe) than I would recommend that you get a complete micronutrient package.


Well-Known Member
First you need to identify what seems to be a deficiency. Yellowing and yellow spots are a sure sign that you are lacking something. Could be Fe, Mg, Mn, N or K, but you will only know by comparing yours to others you can probably find online. After you figure out the deficiency, then you need to check you guaranteed analysis on your current nutrient and find something that will give it the boost it needs. If you are deficient in one of your micronutrients (Mg, Mn, Fe) than I would recommend that you get a complete micronutrient package.
thanks so much!


Well-Known Member
First you need to identify what seems to be a deficiency. Yellowing and yellow spots are a sure sign that you are lacking something. Could be Fe, Mg, Mn, N or K, but you will only know by comparing yours to others you can probably find online. After you figure out the deficiency, then you need to check you guaranteed analysis on your current nutrient and find something that will give it the boost it needs. If you are deficient in one of your micronutrients (Mg, Mn, Fe) than I would recommend that you get a complete micronutrient package.
i am sure i need some micro


Well-Known Member
I use FF line, even all the new stuff they added. I dont get yellowing. New FF products added: boomerang, microbe brew, kangaroots and bembe


Well-Known Member
I use FF line, even all the new stuff they added. I dont get yellowing. New FF products added: boomerang, microbe brew, kangaroots and bembe
yeah i dont have any of the bushmaster stuff. i do have all the powders though. i just need to get more grow, some sort of grow. do you flush your girls?


Well-Known Member
FF comes with that sledgehammer nutrient flush( I forgot that one above)..I water so much I dont really need to use it. If I water 2 times a day thats basically a flush imo. I take em outside where its windy and sun is brutal at 6800 ft;)


Well-Known Member
snapshot 10 is the girls I bring out everyday from flower room. snap 2 are a few of my deck plants that stay outside. They are wicked strong, like beef castles lol bc all the wind
beautiful! mmmhmm! i like that! well i guess i just keep myff and use that. maybe get a different grow though...


Well-Known Member
so NO more fox farm, just used them the other day, almost killed everything! they got nuked! way too hot, ph was 4so i am sticking with bmo until i getmy own nutrients going. anyone want buy some fox farm?