Blunts Stealth Grow. I Think We Got Us A Canner >.>


Well-Known Member
Wassup everybody just had some seeds dropped off and im getting the rest of my lights monday. Got about 6 gallons of home made home mixed dirt to grow in planning on doing a 2 plant SoG. Possibly 3 plant I dont know yet but iv decided against 4. Im gunna keep you all in suspense about the grow room until we're closer to putting something in the dirt. In the mean time it is bag seed because of extenuating circumstances. I do however think we'll all be pleasantly surprised in the end.

That said I figure il go ahead and give a teaser post. Only rules in here are no pointless flaming. Dont preach a theory or technique without evidence to back it up. And dont hesitate to give feedback, Ask questions or start a discussion. This is basically an open thread to anyone mature and inquisitive.


Well-Known Member
1 of 3 seeds already cracked. I figure itll be ready to plant by tomorrow and it looks like the other 2 wont be far behind it.


Well-Known Member
Well I havent posted because I thought the only germed seed was a dud, Buuut, I just went into my closet looking for something and looked up and realized I had forgot to toss it out. Its came up...Stretched all to hell but il just put it deep in the dirt when I move it into the full volume of the trash can. Right now its just in one of those little plastic butter cups from steak houses that way the roots will hopefully spread out more when I put it in the can. I swear its like no matter how much planning I put into stuff it always ends up ghetto -.-