Bluegrass grass grower

High all! LOOOONNNGGG time ghost on the board, but as im starting a grow that doesnt include cfls, cardboard boxes, PC fans, urine as nutes lol... ect. I'm making a name and sticking to it across several forums so i hope to see you all around! I wish for milk shots, Bud PR0n, and fat sacks for ALL!

p.s. : +REP for Kentucky growers!


Im new to the state of KY i recently moved from OH looking for a 420 friend to help me out im lost traviling 5hrs ea way once a month for just a lil bit. I know this is kinda stupid to post on here but if anybody can help me and my dad out that would be awesome.


hey new2ky420 what county are you in?? i'm currently in indiana but grew up in west ky my whole life. i'm pretty new to this site too, i've been on grasscity for a month but today the forums are down AGAIN so after lurking on riu for a couple months i decided to join :)