Hey fellows the girls are doing great. But I have two minor issues.
Maybe yall can hep a brother out...
I didnt have a chance to take pics. I will tonight when I do the 3 week update.
The only change to procedure was I set the ph. I have not been checking ph
because of the meter probe. My meter probe has a short been fckn up and the probe is a $100.
My water tested less than 7 with the strips and they have been doing fine. Its funny that my first problem is when I set ph.
Heres my problems:
LSD1 on FF, the new leaf growth at the buds, the sides of the leaves are cupping in and the tips curling under.
This might be claw idk. Never seen it before. BB1 and SB1 are on FF and are not doing it.
They were watered this morning so I will see if it is better tonight.
Red Dragon is on DG. The lower leaves keep turning yellow and some have these tiny brown spots.
I uped the veg nutes to combat the yellowing.
Four other plants are on the DG and although they are not as green as the FF plants they are not yellowing like the RD, and none of the others have any spots.
You guys will need a pic of this one.
So what do you guys think? Anything to be concerned about?
I am not real concerned with the curling but the yellowing / spots on RD is a pet peave..

may have to mix RD her on mix.
I put up some pics tonight because they are slepping now.