blueberry in flower


Well-Known Member
got annoyed with not having a fan in my room so i took two and built one working fan lol much more powerful than my last fan which should help.


Well-Known Member
so work has been killing me lately havent had time to take out my girls and get any nice pics or even really look at them, i took out my ice cream today and the hairs are already turning brownish also the trix look fantastic like snow spreading across the leaves. the fan has really been helping its much stronger and ive already seen change in cola size. i took a bunch of pics today thought id show you guys some progress, also picked up some bud called blue domino about to try smoking a vanilla cherry blunt with it lol theres a pic of a nice bud in there not a great pic but im working on getting a better camera. i have a great white shark northern lights plant almost ready for flower, ill prob put up a pic of her next update. any comments or advice is allways appreciated,happy smoking.



Well-Known Member
i know no one really follows this im just hoping eventually my girls will look good enough to get some attention i took my first clones about a week ago and there starting to grow out quite well, were at about 2 1/2 weeks right now buds are about 1-1/2 inches thick about 3 inches long and still growing im getting some really nice trix on my ice cream hard to see on the camera because its not the best camera in the world. id say about 30 percent of the hairs are very slowly turning brown. the smell is so fantastic like a rush of sweet fruity indica on the blueberry ive been looking at other ppls pics and the hairs on thier girls are much longer which kindof worries me but other than that im really pleased with how everything is working out.



Well-Known Member
was looking at other grows and realized my light was way to far away it was like 3 feets maybe more so now its about 1- 1 1/2 .


Well-Known Member
Nice grow man. They're looking great. Ur gonna see a huge difference after dropping ur light down. 3 feet is a lil too much. Make sure u keep ur temps down.

Im bout to post some newpics heat damage pics in my thread if u wanna check em out (link in sig). Somehow my closett got real hot the other day and burned all my tops. Buds are fine n still growin but leaves r fucked. Its really weird cuz i never had temp issues and then boom one day It just got super toasty.


Well-Known Member
yeah it gets pretty damn hot in there but hopefully ill figure a way to properly control it soon my fan just doesnt seem to be doing the job. by the way i really like your thread lost nug ive been watching it since the beginning.


Well-Known Member
wanted to do an update but i have no batteries for my camera so i got some rechargable ones, once they have finished charge ill get some new pics up for you guys.


Well-Known Member
111.jpg000_0001.jpg...jpg000_0002.jpg000_0005.jpg000_0006.jpg000_0003.jpg000_0007.jpg2.jpg12.jpg66.jpg000_0004.jpgive got a few pics for a quick update, cant figure out how to upload multiple pics at a time so it takes me forever lol, i lowered my light too much it seems i got alot of burnt leaves can really see them in the pics but im sure the plants will be ok.they should be at about 3 1/2 weeks right now how do you guys think they look in reference to that, any insight would be great

thanks guys happy smoking


Well-Known Member
so ive got some pics of my clones to show you guys one of which has been growing like crazy and the plan is to start with some crazy lst then head for scrog after my other girls are done flowering, the great white shark northern lights has preflowers and looks really good its got really nice alternating nodes i would like to flower it now but theres no space in my room im hoping my flowering girls will be done in about another 3-4 weeks but i know its unlikely im gonna put up some pics of them in about 20 but for now let me know what you think about the beginning of my lst job. and and the clones look.



Well-Known Member
so i took some pics of my girls not very many, im thinking about just stopping my posting because no one seems to be watching or commenting but besides the point,hopefully some one enjoys these pics. im really enjoying this grow even though the blueberry strain is much harder than my last it smells amazing and there are lots of trix if any one reads this how many weeks do you think these ladies have left? have a great night.



Well-Known Member
so last night i was looking at my girls and i noticed something odd under neath all the buds on one, turns out it is a self polinating hermie. there are seeds all over the buds and im hoping the pollen didnt get on any of the other ones but to be honest im pretty sure it did i cut down the hermie only problem is.... what do i do next scrap the rest of my grow or continue and hope for the best. any info would be great thanks guys.


First post! id keep them unless you have others ready to start flowering. Save the seeds and smoke the bud its up to you tho. I've also go a blueberry plant at around day 36 of flower and its smelling great.


Well-Known Member
bro save those seeds and use em at least u no how ur strain will turn out nxt time round,shes looking awsme if u ask me


Well-Known Member
heyy guys check out my new grow, 1000 watt blueberry, ice cream and white widow grow(white widow is scrog attempt)