blueberry help hydro


Well-Known Member
lol...hey bro stop stressin. use your nutes as reccommended. stay around 1000ppm and make sure your ph is right. I'm sure you will be fine. Keep doing what you are because that short bushy bitch looks good. PUFF


Well-Known Member
i have a Strawberry cough plant that is like that all short and is VERY dark green and bushy with weird one leaf every once in awhile been taking forever to veg is only 12 inches tall after 3 months of veg its in 12/12 now very nice trichs tho


Active Member
well i took the advise, and after two days from when the bottom leaves yellowed out the rest of the plant followed......
yellow creeped up higher and higher and the plant started to droop really bad.... i talked to the local hydro store and he suggested that i was overwatering and my mix was staying to damp because i was using a soilless substrate of perlite vermiculite and worm castings.. i cut back on my watering and no results....
the whole plant looks like charle browns christmas tree i dont understand what happened so quick.....
do you think lead paint chips from the shelves in my closet could have poisoned it? or i over watered it i pulled it out of the pot and some of the roots had a green buildup....

i took four clones that are a few inches big and soaked them in water for a while and they look just wonderfull (except the very extreme tips are curled up), after they started to support the weight of the leaves i put them into rock wool and a dixie cup with potting soil.
i never had a problem with soil before so maybe the plant keeling over was a blessing because i have four clones that hopefully will become lush bushy dirt grown blueberry bushes haha

now the clones consist of a few fans and a cluster in the middle around a smallll little bud, should i just leave them be under 24/o for a while?? i have them under flo lights


Well-Known Member
is that green root rott.. idk and i think the paint wasnt much.. next time put plastic over them.. or something ( like over the top like a canopy so the paint dont fall on them