blueberry help hydro


Active Member
I have a bc bud depot original blueberry growing from seed it was germinated jan 15th. Growing under a 430 lux (hps) nine gallon ebb and flow. All fox farm nutes. I vegged the plant for about three weeks and it was really lush bushy and full, but only about five or six inches tall. I couldn't find any info about how tall they should be before flowering. I do know it is 80%indica and should be rather short. I have never grown a plant that stayed so stout and bushy. There is about seven or eight nodes which to me is crazy for a six inch plant. So put it under 12/12 for five or six days and white hairs popped out in a few places and some bud sites have appeared. My dilemma is should I keep it in 12/12..... Or put it back in veg for four more weeks? Or cut clones veg and start flowering later.... Any advice???


Well-Known Member
Great you have a brand new baby girl!!!!!! you sure it didn't have a set of balls???? I would keep the bitch in 12 12 and continue flowering her and take some cuttings off now and get some more going...


Active Member
And what happens if the light stays on longer than 12 one day by two hours... I corrected it by 12 off is that ok? I'm gonna take your advice on this one and keep it on 12 and ride it out. Also the bottom fans are yellowed out allready and a few tips of higher ones are starting to show signs of yellowing not anything serious though, I raised the light to slightly under three feet above, it stays 78-82 with a small fan directly on it. I'm using fox farm big bloom,grow big and tiger bloom. I just flushed today I hope this helps. Do you recomend topping? or tying anything down because its so short to get light to the lower branches? Thank you for any help!!


Well-Known Member
the yellowing is probably due to nitrogen deficiency.. so you should up your nitrogen dose maybe.. topping is good so is LST..


Active Member
I/m growing DP BB and have topped my two. just waiting for them to recover. They are 16" and were cut above the 5th node


Well-Known Member
leave the budsites...leave the bud sites.. no need to top after week three in veg.. unless you need shorter plant for height purposes.. which is even more of a reason not to reveg.. ?
a 400 isnt gonna pierce your canopy very deep.. 3 foot plants at the end are probably ideal...


Active Member
Yeah but I'm stressed out because its only six inches tall! I'm assuming a 18" when finished?? It hasn't grown upwards in a while...... Lol also I'm gettin light yellow spots! What's the best way to rasie nitrogen? I've grown plenty bag seed with no problems this stubby bastard is nothing like the others so I'm just confused and don't want to waste this little girl


Well-Known Member
is your plant mutated.. ?? there is a mutated phenotype and they take for ever to veg and grow with twisted mutated leaves.. this pheno will grow in time but i dont know if its worth the trouble.. they are nute sensitive at first.. you should probably get some pics


Active Member
Its funny u asked that because in the early stages of veg growth I noticed some things that were very strange.... Started with one fan with four leaves one with five, there also is a few with six leaves all though most are nine I think all the new growth is nine... While in veg there was one leaf that was all small and curled that came out of nowhere and I cut it off. Also there was one leaf on the bottom an that grew in twisted and really small and eventually grew out. There is a few leaves in the inner foliage that are kind of twisted a little bit but it might be them trying to get light everything in the conopy looks fine. But towards the top the fan leaves do not pair each other they are at a different height where they come off the stalk.. When I can get to a pc ill get some pictures but for now if u have an email address ill send them to you.


Active Member
Thanks its really full but sooo short and I can't believe there is about seven or eight nodes...

Do you think I should just keep it going?


Active Member
Two days ago the bottom fans yellowed out on me and yesterday morning the next level up started to do the same, with a light green/yellow thin and droopy looking. I took 40% of water out and put fresh un fertilized water in the res. The 400watt hps is three feet above the canopy at the least.
I noticed the inner foliage is droopy but still green and the new growth is fine with only some smallll yellow spots on like one leaf. I also adjusted the watering timer to 30 min twice a day durring light cycle only, in fear I was over watering.(It used to be 15min every 3 hours with one in the middle of the night. I'm on a ebb and flow and the plant is in a soiless substrate mix and stays damp. Any suggestions please?????


Well-Known Member
yellowing leaves from the bottom up .. is a nitrogen defficiency...
more nutes maybe instead of less are you doin soil or hydro.
if soil ask dr.vondankenstein or MrHowardMarks(screen names of some soil experts)
if hydro ask NewGrowth.. these guys really know there stuff