blueberry and permafrost

haven't posted in a while. I have ben really busy, but thought I would show off my girls ;) the blueberry is the 6 1/2 footer. She is in pre-flower already. I put out early may. the smaller one is permafrost ;) should be yummy. Not to bad for my 2nd grow :mrgreen: the pic with me standing by blueberry was taken about 10 day ago ;)

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Right! the blueberry got really big fast and started to bud before anything else. Also I should of said before it is a blueberry crossed with space queen
I'm so fucking jealous, I need to start gorilla growing, bad... cause these outdoors plants, dwarf my indoor shit so bad i want to bludgeon myself to death with a damn ph pen, duct taped to a baseball bat. bwhaha! Def looks like a producer, something that large, what are the yields even like? pounds? I get oz's off indoor ladies like , maybe 3-4 foot tall in 2.5 gals worth of soil? lol... could only imagine how monstrous they could get, even indoors, with say, 20-40 gallon root areas... just insane.
I believe she will yield at a minimum 1/2 lb up max 1 lb but you never know till your dry ;) she is in a 12 gallon pot with ffof soil and permafrost same soil just in a 5 gallon smart bag.