Blueberry 20 days into flowering with 168w of 2700k


Well-Known Member
let me know if you can tell a dif with the 11/13 cycle... i went 12/12 last grow with luck, but was thinking about changing it up a lil bit on this grow by doing what you are doing with the 11/13...
yeah i've heard that some respond a little better to it. I'm gradually going to switch from 12/12 to 11/13 then to 10/14. I'll let you know.


Well-Known Member
yeah i've heard that some respond a little better to it. I'm gradually going to switch from 12/12 to 11/13 then to 10/14. I'll let you know.
it depends on what u want to do with your plant. switching from 12/12 to 11/13 then to 10/14 will make your plants finish faster. if thats what you want to do then do it. or u can do the opposite and switch from 12/12 to 13/11. that will give u an increased yeild but a longer wait for harvesting. from this we can see that light is directly releated to yeild. 10/14 works but i dont think the results will be good. you might get a really small yeild. you might be better of with the 11/13. 12/12 is standard reason being its in between 13/11 and 11/13. so with 12/12 its pretty much balanced for yeild/time.i am not sure at all if a plant thats dependent on a photoperiod will flower if the light hours is 14/10. if so then you can expect a very large yeild, but u would def. expect a much longer wait due to the amout of dark hours. look it up, if ur sketchy with what im sayin, but i wouldnt recommend 10/14. if u do it let us know how it goes. i personally want to know how 14/10 goes. there are parts of the world that the 14/10 is year round, and the plants there yeild high but it takes a whole year i think for it to finish growing. i aint no detective or scientest but if thats the case and it is true that plants that are grow were its 14/10 take almost 50% longer then the opposite 10/14 should cut the flowering time on a strain by half too. input ne one??


Well-Known Member
i dont have any factual input, but i do agree... that makes more scientific sense than assumptions made... i think i will simply just go 12/12 again... just not from seed... however, next micro grow i do, i will prolly start off 12/12 and move to 11/13 and so fourth... i am somewhat trying to get a pretty good yeild outta my current grow... i would do the 14/10, but i dont want to wait all year to finish flowering... do you think that ratio is strain related? i am not rushing my current grow, but yeah, i would like to move on without having to wait forever to learn more stuff about muh love (pot muh fucca)...anyways, thanks for the info glokdoc, and i will be watching dukeraoula420 to see how your decision affects your grow... your choice of light cycle should i say... i'll stay tuned for more kool shit... keep it green homie..


Well-Known Member
the ratio most probably is related to the strain type. sativa, which is an equatorial strain, genetically should be seeing high light hours with very short dark hours to make the plant automatically flower due to it reaching its full maturity, and seeing how its an equatorial strain im pretty sure a sativa grown under 14/10 will yeild massive amounts of bud like they do in the wild near the equator. g2g thou check out my grow 2 (not to invade homeboys thread).
Its cool man, you're not invading anything. I completely agree with your reasoning on the lighting. i am interested in doing the 14/10 schedule too. I'm not sure if i'm going to go all the way to 10/14. I will probly just stay at 11/13. I don't think it will affect too much but i'm curious to see. I'm also really interested in getting an auto/ruderalis grow underway. I'm gonna do a full update tomorrow with pics and everything. I think my bb only has about three weeks left. I'm only gonna feed it once or twice more.


Well-Known Member
i agree... i was just wondering.. i think i sorta fucked myself last time around with setting a date, but i guess it was for the better being i needed parts from my micro grow box for my rubbermaid box...


Well-Known Member
u guys should b careful about switchin up light schedules on plants u might end up with seeds in ur shit!!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
sup fuzzy... yeah i aint switchin up my lights like that... i was just curious about the dif cycles... just hypothetical theories i guess... some one has to try it though and if he doesnt end up with seeds than i guess it would be for the better...


Well-Known Member
tru that!:blsmoke:

but if ur small scale, stick to the basic....unless u make a tiny flowering box.....u never kno!:hump:
Fuzzybudz. Do you actually have any first hand experience, or any factual evidence of this? Because I find it hard to believe that a more natural light schedule would cause more hermaphrodites. I am just looking for facts or first hand experience on this thread. I do appreciate opinionated feedback as long as its logical. thanks.
Here are the updates. Think I should start flushing my BB now? It might have two and a half weeks left. I was going to try to get one more feeding in but i'm not sure if i'll have time. Input???



Well-Known Member
how fa into flowering r u??

i think u need three weeks, another week b4 flushing, that plants gunna fill out much more tho!
sweet, three weeks. cool cool. I definitely want to give it a full flushing. I'll wait one more week. That means i'll be able to get one more feeding in. The Blueberry is on its 38th day of flowering and the og kush is on its 25th day flowering.
so far so good. I think i'm probly only gonna make it another week and a half. I started the flush a few days ago. I'll have some pics up tomorrow.