Blueberries v2.0 (grow journal)


Sector 5 Moderator
Thanks guys. Here are the pix of day 52 of flowering. I only added Final Flush and Sweet Leaf this morning. Sorry for the crappy pix; HPS doesn't do well. I'll get some with the flash on Wed or Thurs.



Sector 5 Moderator
Ohhhhhhhh those coins! Those were just for scale. I thought you were talking about recent pix. I could have said that if you lay a quarter next to the pot it will increase potency and size of your plant. :)


Sector 5 Moderator
Well I'll be dang; you are absolutely right. Oh well... I can assure you that I was totally fried when I read that; I always was during those days. I'll make the correction and thanks for the link!


Well-Known Member
hey PP....looking VERY VERY sweet! I love those shots under hps....differently coloured....but give the "feel" and the "character" of the moment.....thanks for the update!


Well-Known Member
for being your first time you really,genuinly did a great job...hope mines goes as well as yours did..cept i dont know the strains..but anyways like to know how much you've yeilded off of each plant if possible thnx... that soil mix you told us about at first is something to look into..home depot if im correct?


Well-Known Member
hey pot pimp are you going to flush the whole 2 weeks with sweet leaf and final flush? or jus the final flush last couple days? im on day 28 so im tryin to get some advice:blsmoke:


heres my master kush i took a pic of today, tell me what u think:hump:



Well-Known Member
:joint:your looking great!!plants look very healthy and from the looks of it, it wont be to much longer till you get a good yield of some piff as i call it..but we'll just say BOMBAYYYY!!! very nice though seriously:joint:


Sector 5 Moderator
Hey Doc, I'll take some good pix next week - out of the grow cabinet, with flash and tripod, nice tight bud pix. Brandon, yeah I'll use both the Sweet Leaf and Final Phase (I thought it was "Final Flush",LOL). I have about 10 more days to go. BBBF, TY, yeah that mix was from about 3 different sources actually. I had to get the Happy Frog from my hydroponics dealer, the MG, bone meal, Perlite & blood meal I got from Wal Marx, and the dolomitic lime I got from Ace Hardware. It's been a successful grow but I have another invention that I'm trying out. I just committed 6 beautiful clones with nice rootballs (growing very nicely in soil) - and 2 that never got roots - to a new aeroponics system that I came up with. I don't want to let the cat out of the bag in case it doesn't fly. Yesterday I also put all the rest of my seeds (about 18 or so Blueberry and 3 Big Bud) into a paper towel to germ. We'll see how they are doing Monday. I'm not counting on my clones making it so the seeds will ensure that I won't have to wait additional time for my next crop. I'll already have to wait long enough. I didn't do my clones right this time so I'm having to pay for it. I made the bubbler aero system as shown on here but I guess the water wasn't deep enough for the water to get to the roots or something; they were all dead the next morning. Or maybe it was way too late for taking clones. They were the bottom branches and they were pretty small and had tiny little buds on them. Oh well, not a huge loss and it shows me yet another way I can not do clones. I bought the Advanced Nutrients clone gel; it's really nice compared to Olivias. I also got the Advanced Nutes Jumpstart. For 1 oz to the liter, the bottle doesn't go very far. I also got some No Wilt and sprayed the clones. It's either too late for taking the clones, the bubbles didn't wet the bottom of the stem or the No Wilt didn't work as promised. I'll just have to do a little more experimenting. Thanks for the kind words guys!


Well-Known Member
hey i kinda know how to clone..but after cutting and splicing the stem and what not you just put them in water??if not will just water work at all to get roots??