Blue Wizard
Well-Known Member
Blue plaid, that's my favorite color plaid.
I like them both but if I had to pick I'd go with Sarina.
I like them both but if I had to pick I'd go with Sarina.

I like Bel or Kim or Crystal (I've seen her being called all 3 so I dunno)I think I only one like 2 non-plaid dress shirts. Its a problem.
Not super into Asian girls myself, but I do understand it. But Eva Lin is pretty damn hot:
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X-men.One more question; what should I start re-reading again?
Grant Morrison's run on New X-Men?
Todd MacFarlane's run on Spawn?
Or just re-read Transmetropolitan by Warren Ellis for the 20th time, it being the greatest comic ever written.
Wait, one more:
Do you believe in aliens?
Mechanical elves and black holes.....I remember reading somewhere that aliens would have to travel to earth at the speed of light from the nearest planet that could sustain life, before there was even life on this planet just to arrive here now. So I doubt that.
ERMAHGERD!I agree! come back...I'll show ya mah penis
Yeah what bucky said. I only did it in Mainys threads and I won't do it again I promise. Mr. Rollitup, sir, mister, sir, man, sir.OK, I'll ask you.
Why did you post over 200 posts in one day, each of them containing about 20 identical images? That's just spam, and we ban spammers every day. If you were not trying to be banned, then why do it?
Can he post tasteful, new Bailey pics?OK, I'll ask you.
Why did you post over 200 posts in one day, each of them containing about 20 identical images? That's just spam, and we ban spammers every day. If you were not trying to be banned, then why do it?
Why is there poverty in the world when we have enough resources to make everyone's life comfortable?