Blue Widow & Sweet Deep Grapefruit 400W Coco Grow (Tropf Blumat)


Active Member
So it's been over 1 week since the switch to 12/12 .... i have been combating the stretch on the sdg with some lower branch trimming and a few supercropped branches which have fully recovered.
i had to supercrop a tall branch on the blue widow plant since it was growing like a main stalk and was too tall... it repaired itself and is not about another 5 inches taller so we shall see how it will be in a few more weeks.
Both are def. females, the SDG had so many preflowers that it looked like it had been on a 12/12 schedule for 2 weeks, absolutely insane.
The BW had also showed preflowers but it was just very few at the time.



awesome grow!! Im waiting on my seeds for my 1st actual grow(g-13 auto pineapple express and dinafem auto roadrunner). Im going with CannaCoco, 600hps light, smart pots.. In a 4x4 tent. I hope they will be as healthy as yours...


You should really throw a net over them and start trying to train... You let those girls get pretty big for that closet.


Active Member
You should really throw a net over them and start trying to train... You let those girls get pretty big for that closet.
they are actually doing quite well for their size and space. i will be doing SCROG from now on to maximize yield but each of these plants has their own 400w light so they are doing great with that. it's been 2 weeks now since the switch to 12/12 and the SDG plant is already showing nice fruit production while the BW plant is right behind it.
the bigger of the 2 plants is only 4 foot by the way... it is on an elevated rack so it makes it seem higher up.


Well-Known Member
so this is just going to be a quick single picture update but there will be more to come tonight/tomorrow.

I have a question that hopefully somebody can answer....
the plant on the left (sweet deep grapefruit) is showing signs of slight curling or "tacoing" on a few of the fan leaves.... they aren't very noticeable but you can still pick out a few spots in the pic.... the blue widow on the right doesn't have this problem so it kind of has me confused... i don't believe it's heat stress since the other plant would probably do the same thing... maybe i'm just worrying too much. I actually noticed some slight curling about 5 days ago and it hasn't progressed or anything.

any ideas?
Blue widow tends to do that. Mine had it for a while a little earlier than yours, but it went away after I raised the light a bit and introduced nutrients. The light is back to its original elevation now and no problems whatsoever.


Active Member
Starting to strreeeeettttch now :d Looking real good mate.
thank you for the comment! i appreciate it.

if i may i would suggest taking off the lower 1/3 of the budsites your 400 wont penetrate that low
thanks for the suggestion, i actually removed most of the lower popcorn bud sites off of the SDG plant after taking the above pics last night. as of now it is just fan leaves down there which i will leave since they have stored nutes inside of them that will be used up here over the next few weeks before they fall off.


Active Member
x10 i would of thrown an net of these about 2wks ago

wasn't home for 5 weeks and had somebody trustworthy looking after them for me so i never had a chance to put in a screen and i def was not going to even try it 2 weeks ago since that was when i got home and went straight to 12/12/... i would not have been able to bend these branches over to put them under a screen because they were already so thick and tall. The time frame for a SCROG setup had been missed by quite sometime but was never actually part of the original plan.
i'm not too worried about not having a screen for this grow, i have done other grows like this in the past an had very large yields on each plant.... since this is all going to be personal use i'm not trying to just go for quantity.
it may be hard to see but i have branches tied and pulled in all different directions to maximize light penetration.... as of right now i can use my light meter and see that i have great penetration down to every single budsite at the moment.


Ill be watching this :) Im currently in week 8 of flower on my SDG and BW and they look and smell incredible. We have a similar setup, although mine are considerably smaller! hope my second grow is as successful as this one!


Active Member
Ill be watching this :) Im currently in week 8 of flower on my SDG and BW and they look and smell incredible. We have a similar setup, although mine are considerably smaller! hope my second grow is as successful as this one!
Nice, i'm gonna check out your grow since i usually have trouble finding journals of people growing these strains and actually finishing the journal when it comes time for harvest lol.

Those are looking nice-Subed for sure. Gonna look into those Smart Pots
the smart pots work great but on my next grow i will be using the air pots to see if i get the same results or better.

ur a couple of weeks ahead of me :) i got an ak47 and Bigbud
sounds awesome, 2 amazing strains to say the least!