blue widow & pineapple express. closet cfl


Well-Known Member
Lol i started germin in loo roll under a warm saucer (its way faster than soakin in water) think it may have got too hot??


Well-Known Member
I only go around room temp myself, not to say that's to hot though, but it doesn't sound good.


Well-Known Member
Greetings tap root doesn't sound too good :(.
I just had two seeds show roots, put them in soil, then nothing. It's delicate time for 'em...


Well-Known Member
Yh i kno sworth i thought they looked abit funny. If it dont work i'll pop another if that dont i'll email dinafem see wot they say.


Well-Known Member
How're you going to explain that without mentioning germinating them?
I got my order in the post today, they're all sound, but it occurred to me I'd be f%$ked if they just didn't sprout...


Well-Known Member
I know know that...they know that...but it's just like "ladies things"; we mustn't talk about it! :)

I guess I'd buy some hemp seeds from the fishing tackle shop, crack them, photograph them, and email it off to them.
They'd know what I meant, especially if it, as a regular customer, was a one off...


Well-Known Member
Guess i jus wait nd see be puttin another order in soon anyway. It prob wont be them i use tho lol i'll get some like mid to high price ones


Well-Known Member
I reckon I've given the seed company's enough money by now. So the arrival this morning were my first regular seeds (10 x Afghan Kush)...I'm going to get into making my own seeds, femi's as well.


Well-Known Member
Some more pics its 28 days into 12/12

Would it be better to get a 150w hps or 150w 2700k cfl???
HPS everytime.

The 150w in CFL is "equivilent" watts... not true watts.
The CFL will not give you much penetration either.
See thats what i was thinkin man.
I might still just get another 1 of what i have now (8u 8" cfl) but just the red not dual the next year get a 400w hps nd be done. (just i cant wait for shit lol tho growin is learnin me patients)


Well-Known Member
It's not as bad as waiting for your Man though eh? ;)
