Active Member
Thinking of picking these up because the price is just within my budget. Who can vouch for them? What kind of results?
Blue Planet Nutrients is just another copy-cat company copying popular 2 and 3 part foods and I for one would rather buy the 'originals' than an imitator. The good news is that their base nutrients probably work because the formulas that they copied work.
First of all, 'canna-specific' nutrients is just a marketing ploy which allows companies to charge a lot more for foods whose ingredients are the same as those you'd find at your local nursery. I'm not talking about ingredients here, I'm talking about the fact that their 3 part is a direct copy of the one GH makes and their two-part is a copy of AN's who likely copied from another company.I doubt thats true. If youre making a formula specifically for cannabis, youre more than likely to have a few similar ingredients.
I agree with you in that I'd rather support any other company other than AN but it's not like their 'formulas' are anything special. BPN is offering a less expensive version of a sub-par plant food offered by AN? Maybe they made an improvement? I still don't get the 1-1-2 NPK ratio.Even if thats so, wouldnt you want to buy the one of same quality for less? I mean youre either feeding the fat cats at AN and giving them the satisfaction of ripping people off or the average joe who wants to give people the good shit for cheap and doesnt mind having a slightly smaller, average, bank account at the end of the day.
In the end it doesnt matter what nute you choose though. Theyll all work. Id just rather fund a fellow grower than a company like AN.
When you order though and get emails from him directly youll see why people love BPN. And after you use it youll see why people stick with em.
So let me get this straight because some times I jump to conclusions without having the full story. Blue planet nutes was a sponsor of another forum, the owner gets raided for a mystery illegal grow behind his house, amoung the things taken in the raid are company computers, the other forum cuts ties with the company about the same time everyone starts pimping their product here and that is the company I should give my personal info to? Not tryin to be debbie downer but im callin bull shit on this. Feel free to set the record straight but as of right now you are either a rep or a fool to have anything to do with this company. AN, GH, Canna, H&G, Dynagro etc dont have these security issues. Not hatin, just sayin
So you are a consistent buyer, so that means you have a pretty large scale grow to buy consistently and because you use a fake name & email address you dont see a problem ordering from a company whos owner was recently raided? A large scale grower buys what he can drive & get, large scale growers do not order from companies online, let alone a company who had their computers seized in a raid over a grow. Sorry but im not buyin it. I wouldnt email my own mother if she had her computer seized let alone order nutes from a company in the middle of this mess.Ive been with em for a little bit. nothin more than the occasional 10% discount from bein a consistent buyer. No rep, free shit, etc... Never had a problem. Heard about the bust but youre more of a fool for getting it shipped to within 10 miles of your grow or using your name/a real name on the order. I do that from htg supply to seeds to nutes to the email i use for this site. I agree that the "formlas" arent anything special but then how can someone steal whats public knowledge/proven science??
Also, the improvement could be that they use alot of chelated/ing products to help the absorption of those nutrients. And for the 3 part synth line, the reason the g and b are so low is because the micro has a majority of the nitrogen in it. It might have to do with the interaction of certain chemicals at certain phs with other chemicals at other phs.
I originally bought them for the organic line. Which is very very very good, and im pretty sure actually all organic. Then made the switch cause i hated the smell after a while. Especially when spillin it on your hands. haha.
In the end theyre the same nutes but for the best price.
Hey man! Long time follower on you the farmers pride...thanx for the discount...same regimen promix pride...getting great results. Cant wait to see the results from your new ocean grown seed run...thanx again!i been using them for 5 years and all my results speak for themselves on my youtube channel. MrTights Home grown report. You can even use discount code mrtight at Blue Planet's website and save 5%. best bang for your buck and you get gallons ,not liters for way cheaper than store prices. I prefer the Farmers Pride organic line.