Blue mystic indoor grow "1 month"


Well-Known Member
ok guys my new grow is up and running here

is a few pics from 1 week and 1 month into my

grows, just to give you guys an idea of whats

happend in the last few weeks.... ENJOYbongsmilie


Hidden Agenda

Well-Known Member
They don't lookt terribly unhealthy, but why are the leaves soaked in the one pic? are you foliar feeding? why?

they look overwatered in that pic as well.

not trying to hate, just observing.


ok guys my new grow is up and running here

is a few pics from 1 week and 1 month into my

grows, just to give you guys an idea of whats

happend in the last few weeks.... ENJOYbongsmilie
This great pictures, thank you for sharing them. I will return to post the picture on this forum and you'll find them great.


Well-Known Member
it maybe the nutes im useing... also ever since i started growing back in the day i have always sprayed my plats with filtered water man habbit but for as the over watering... i might be a lil but im also very generace when it comes to water for my plants u kno


Well-Known Member
started budding about 4 days ago and already im seeing some good stuff ill let them get a lil bigger then ill post so u guys can see the sweetness.... :)